Cottontop, Upper Nickajack, Crappie, Bass, 1/30/2016, Eddie

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Jun 2, 2005
Flat Rock AL by way of Haletown TN
Yesterday I decided to take the day off from tying jigs and go use a few instead. The morning started off cold and slow. My fishing buddy, Eddie, was throwing Bobby Garlands and I was using Big Doc's Bugs. Two hours later and not a bite. Tried several different color combos with no luck. We decided to make a major move to a spot about 5 miles up the river. I caught a decent largemouth that broke me off once I got it in the boat. Just because, I decided to use a color I never use. I had made them because it was my old high school colors and I thought it looked good. BINGO!!! The crappie thought so too. I caught 5-6 to Eddie's zero before he had to have one. Then it was really on. We caught well over 100 and brought 29 home for a nice warm bath (in oil). Both of us tried switching colors a couple of times and they wouldn't touch it. Back to the purple and it was a fish nearly every cast. We doubled I don't know how many times.
