31 people Participated in Cracrfest an average catch of 9 Fish per person in which were cleaned.
284 total Fish cleaned.
76 Shell Crackers
206 Gills
1 Yellow Perch
1 Crappie
While cleaning, I found only 16 of all the fish had eggs still in them and I think there were only 2 or 3 of those Crackers! This tells me we really need to have Crackerfest 07 a little earlier in order to catch more quality Crackers. I know the place we fished on Sat. normally would hold several Crackers yet we only caught 4 all day which made it to the scales.....a total of 5 Crackers caught in all but TT felt sorry for one really nice Cracker and allowed it to find it's way back into the water (after a little detour...flip-flop on the back deck: flip flop around Transom and flop into the water)!!!
While cleaning, I did find several Fish to have Hooks in their particular fish had 3 hooks in her mouth and I believe TT was the taker of that Fish. I found one other fish that had two hooks in her gills. The reason I mention this is...none of the hooks I saw really were rusted nor appeared to be broken down by the acid that I have always been told Fish have that will decay the hook?
Once again thanks for all the help and those that participated hopefully next year more people will join us for a family day out!!
31 people Participated in Cracrfest an average catch of 9 Fish per person in which were cleaned.
284 total Fish cleaned.
76 Shell Crackers
206 Gills
1 Yellow Perch
1 Crappie
While cleaning, I found only 16 of all the fish had eggs still in them and I think there were only 2 or 3 of those Crackers! This tells me we really need to have Crackerfest 07 a little earlier in order to catch more quality Crackers. I know the place we fished on Sat. normally would hold several Crackers yet we only caught 4 all day which made it to the scales.....a total of 5 Crackers caught in all but TT felt sorry for one really nice Cracker and allowed it to find it's way back into the water (after a little detour...flip-flop on the back deck: flip flop around Transom and flop into the water)!!!
While cleaning, I did find several Fish to have Hooks in their particular fish had 3 hooks in her mouth and I believe TT was the taker of that Fish. I found one other fish that had two hooks in her gills. The reason I mention this is...none of the hooks I saw really were rusted nor appeared to be broken down by the acid that I have always been told Fish have that will decay the hook?
Once again thanks for all the help and those that participated hopefully next year more people will join us for a family day out!!