The cracker were few but the fun was much. TT, my granddaughter, Gabrielle, and I started out this morning around 7:00 AM and went to the only shellcracker area that I found all week. We had a limit in a little over 30 minutes and culled a few until we had 10 that we felt comfortable with. Then it was off to catch a mess of crappie for TT's dinner tonight. After that, we were going back to the cracker bed again, but found someone sitting on it. So we opted for the next best option. That was lunch at the Dockside cafe and then came to the weigh in. We finished 3rd and were very proud to do that. Tied with our good friends, Cheez and Spurhunter and young uns. It was great meeting some new CFF'ers and great job JSV. You really made a lot of kids happy and that's what it is all about. emoBigsmile emoGeezer