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Good call Steve. I moved this down here so that maybe JSV would see it sooner. I don't know if a date has been set in stone yet, but stay tuned...

Thanks Guys. emoThumbsup GrandKids are looking forward to coming over from Memphis and fishing in it! emoSmile Well, Pappaw is lookin' forward to it too! emoCool
tso - 2/7/2008 10:38 PM

Hey guys, what is Cracker Fest? Does it have anything to do with oysters and crackers?

You really need to come see it Tony. You'll have a blast! You might even win if I don't enter!emoPoke emoAngler emoLaugh emoLaugh
<p style="">Fishin Fool is correct. The date has been set for Crackerfest for May 10th.</p><p style="">Please get signed up on the calander. Looking forward to another fun day out with the family and seeing the smiles on the kids faces.</p><p style="">Thanks,</p><p style="">Jason (JSV) </p>
Jig - 2/18/2008 11:39 AM

Where is the crackerfest out of? Thinking about bringing my little brother to it.

Jig normally you can launch or fish from anywhere the day of Crackerfest, as long as you are at the weigh in spot at the precise time of weigh in. JSV can fill you in more on the rules but I would think that is probably still correct.
JIG and other new members, </p>

The weighin will be at Chester Frost Park however as long as you have signed up and paid in advance, you can fish from what ever location (on the chic or nick) as you would like as long as you are at CFP at the weighins. We give great liberties for this event and gear it toward the family and children. In the past all children which participated were able to attain a fine gift. I am hoping it will continue this year. Due to the changes in the recent months and now new ownership I am uncertain of what will take place. However as long as I have anything to do with it, it will be geared toward our future young boys and girls and I hope I can manage enough donations foe everyone. It has brought many smiles to the youth in the past and I hope it continues to!</p>

We allow people to but in at different locations and start at various times due to the fact all children's attentions span is different and we want to turn them on to fishing and not make it a marathon in which they get bored and not enjoy the day!</p>

My goal is at the end of the day they all have a smile on their face and have a great experience!!</p>

Look forward to seeing everyone there.</p>

More details will follow!</p>



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