Crappie 1/13

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Well-known member
May 29, 2005
Harrison TN
I fished with a buddy of mine for crappies in Harrison bay. The fishing wasn't fast and furious like Jmax's the day before but the ones that we did catch were big ones. The fish were there but they were inactive. There were lots of baitfish and what I would expect were crappies that I marked with my electronics. The fish seemed to be stacked up on points that came close to the edge of the channel. We caught 5 or 6 that were right at a pound or better, the best crappies that I think I've ever caught. I felt blessed to catch the fish we did because it didn't seem like anyone else was catching any around us. Maybe I'll have to try this again one of these days. The fish were on structure in 12-15 feet of water that dropped into the channel that was 24-26 feet deep. The fish were just off the bottom and I used a 16th oz jighead with a 1.5 inch panfish assassin as a trailer. Fishing was slow but fun. Once the current started moving a little the stripe started hitting the jig and we moved on. Jmax said that the day before that the current was moving quickly out of the creek and this morning there was little or no movement until late and then the current was into and not out of the creek. I would expect that this was the difference between the two days of fishing. What do you guys think?
You would be surprised just how much a subtle change of flow will effect fish. I can even tell the difference on Sloppy Floyd with the wind moving water around. If it's coming out of the NW, I seem to catch more fish, but if it comes out of any other direction.........especially in winter..........they seem to get lock-jaw. Yesterday was more of the same............wind coming out of the SW and I only hooked 3 bass, one of which I landed.

So, I wouldn't be surprised that the change in the current flow effected the crappies in that manner. They are tempermental little buggers, at best. LOL;)
I think that you are right. The question in my mind however is, if there is current but it has just changed direction, are the fish actively feeding but just in different places. I think that the main places that seem to concentrate fish are places where eddies are formed by the current. The current breaks that form the eddies would form them on the down current side no matter which way the flow was coming from.

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