Leaving out for Arkansas tomorrow to do a little deer hunting so I thought I would try the crappie again before I left. I also got to see the parade. What parade you ask?????emoScratch The parade of bass boats pre fishing for the up and coming Tx. Boy, was there a lot of folks out today.emoEek I thought with it being the middle of the week it would be slow. Was I ever wrong and did the wind blow today or what!!!! I did manage about 35 to 40 crappie, about 10 bream, and about 5 spots. All on minners and today they ran small. I brought home only 12 slabs out of the whole bunch. Lots of fun to catch however the wind made it hard to fish and tell when I had a hit. I was doing the same as last weekend but I also went up into Savanah and used a bobber on some stumps and docks in shallow. I fished from 3 feet all the way to 25 feet but the deepest I caught any was about 12 feet and I did manage several in about three feet but they were smaller and had only one keeper at the depth. Saw a lot of guys on the CFF and talked to a lot of the guys visiting. No one seemed to have anything good to say. Must have been a tough bite for most. Keep your lines wet and see you all next week.emoBigsmile Jmax