Crappie and others 11-10-06 Wheeler

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2005
Big Cove, AL
Trip got canceled and got to celebrate Veterns Day with my dad, bpricepaterfamilias. After solving and resolving many boat problems, we finally got on the water around noon. We started out in Flint Creek fishing for crappie. Our first tree top yielded two 13 inchers and a 11 immediately... then NOTHING. I caught them in 3 feet of water, and then worked my way down to 12 feet and then back up... nothing. So we decided to head out to the main channel to try to jig up some saugers. Well saugers weren't found, but we got into a mix of drum and white bass. Dad broke off a big ole catfish, wish he would of got 'er in... once again dad gets a lesson in fishing from his eldest child. It was a wonderful day to spend with my dad... we had a blast as usual.

Heading after some sauger in the morning and Sunday afternoon... I hear they have been biting really well in our catfishing haunts. Hopefully I'll have a good report or two.
It was Jim! Apparently some other folks have found our condos... cause the best ones there were people on them :(

So I decided to cut my losses with SO many people in the creek, I just fished some treetops... maybe I would of done better, but I didn't want to give them away.