Crappie are killing it in N. Alabama

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
Talked to a buddy in Stevenson AL today, said his dad and son have been going at night for crappie. Says get under ANY bridge you can find, and they are biting for hours at a time. In 2 nights last week they caught 107, with only 2 throw-backs! Is 10" the minimum there too? He said they are using tuffies. Hope this helps!
Shoot, I started to plan a trip to run down there, but I remembered a recent post where someone was talking about the, "outrageous", out of state liaisons cost, in Alabama. emoDoh
9" minimum in Alabama. There are some exceptions, Weiss has a 10" minimum. As well as some other lakes. Since they are from Stevenson, they are probably talking about Gville which has a 9" minimum. Under the hwy. 72 bridge that crosses Crow Creek is a good place to catch them from the bank. </p>

I hope I'm not giving bad info. If so, somebody chime in. </p>
Flip you got it right for the most part. Here is a clip from the Alabama reg book.

Crappie…………… 30
(It is illegal to possess any crappie less than nine inches in total length taken from Alabama public waters, including Aliceville Reservoir and Pickwick Reservoir. Waters exempt from the nine-inch crappie limit include impoundments less than 500 surface acres (which includes all state owned public fishing lakes), the reciprocal waters of the Chattahoochee River and Impoundments and their tributaries, Bear Creek Reservoir (Big Bear Lake of the B.C.D.A. Lakes), Lake Jackson at Florala and Weiss Reservoir, see ten inch minimum length limit for Weiss Reservoir.)

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