crappie at skull isl 12-23

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We went out just before daybreak and fished till 1pm. It was a slow day for numbers but my buddy Jeff caught some really nice ones. He had 2 that were 13 1/2 inches long. One was 1.9 lbs and the other was 1.8 lbs. We had 13 keepers with a total weight of 12 1/4 lbs. All together we caught 10-12 bluegills, 1 warmouth, 5 spots--1 spot was 2.2lbs, 23 crappie, and 1 skipjack. We had a tough day with the wind and whitecaps. The water was 54* below the discharge and 50-51* up above the discharge.


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Great fish.... impressive crappie in pic 2. Whisler.... SMILE please!!!! Catching fish is supposed to be fun. emoBigsmile emoBigsmile
<font color="#6600ff">I agree Richard,,, with success like that one should have a big smile on their face....come on Steve, it wont break that  good report and good pics.</font>
nice lookin stringer of crappies there whisler!!! My brother in law saw you guys up at the intake yesterday I think. He was in a small bass boat tied up to the wall. Were you guys trolling up by skull island??
WLG-We saw him up there, we waved as we went up river. We used slip floats and tuffies and med shiners both. We have some spots that we know have structure and I also know a spot that they seem to be in open water near a sudden depth change from 4 ft to 20. The structure spots are in water that varies from fishing 6ft deep to 8 ft deep. The open water spot we fish 10 ft deep out in the 20 ft area. Most of the fish the past couple of weeks were relating to shade also. Keep a lively bait on the hook.Those spots are from trial and error fishing around skull isl. the past few years in the winter. Once we found a pattern it has stayed pretty much the same for the past 2 winters. Sometimes I do spider rig and troll for them but it was way to windy Sunday in the spots that I like to do that in. With the front coming in on Sun., we figured that they would be relating mostly to the brush/structure and we were pleasantly surprised to get the few that we did in that open water spot.
Oops, I put the wrong date in the title. We were out on Sunday the 24th. sorry.