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Biofisher and I had the opportubity to go crappie with Mark Collins a guide on Lake Weiss. It was an awesome amazing day. We probabally were the last boat out but we were the first one back. Back with our limitemoLaugh We were spider rigging the brush piles along the river channel on the main river. We were fishing 15-17 feet of water with live minnows. Yhe idea was to just bounce the rig along the bottom or just above the cover. It was a great way to fish. We found out quickly that spider rigging is a lot like bass fishing in that the person in front of the boat gets 5 x's as much action than the person in the back. I started in the back & BioFisher was in the middle and the guide was up front. Once we reached thirty keeper we swiched positions the results stayed the course with the guy in the back not getting as much action. But all in all we both caught our limits. There was one point when we had a flurry and one of my pole was almost jerked out of the rod holder. I was tring to get another fish in when that happened. By the time I got ahold of that pole we all thought I had a big stripper. The drag started to zing and a tried to get it turned and that big boy straightened out my hook. When I reeled it in we could see that I had catfish slime all over it. So I missed a big cat. But we caught 80 keeper crappie. Most All of them were 11-12 inchers a few 10's and a few 13's. We had a great time