Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Dixie Boy

Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
Dayton, TN
There are a few folks that have not added themselves to the crappie tour. on the calendar. You know who you are, so add yourselves, let us see how many boats we can get in this thing. Remember its not about winning, but giving some children a Christmas that they may not have otherwise. Listen, I know that I probably dont have a shot at winning, cause I am not on the big fish right now, but I will still be there. Look forward to seeing everyone Saturday morning.

One other thing, Lets fish till 12:30! Seems like before you know it, the tour is over, so lets make it an hour longer!!! Whos with me???
12:30 sounds great to me. That's just longer I will get to sit out there with my buddies shooting the bull, cause we ain't catching any fish right now......
i'm all for a longer tourney even a full 8hrs like a bass tourney emoThumbsup

and you not on big fish ............ emoScratch

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