crappie tournys starting back up in febuary

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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2008
hwy 58
i am going to start the crappie tournaments back up in febuary. i am looking at two possible dates the 21st and the 28th so i am looking for feed back from those interested in fishing them. i will be doing one once per month until dec. it will be 25.00 entry fee per person and no more than two per boat. also there will also be an optional big fish pot that will be 5.00 per boat. any kind of bait will be allowed and no dead fish will be allowed. that is all of the rules though. i want to keep it fun for everyone. also i am trying to decide how many fish to allow to be weighed in so if anyone has any ideas on tha please feel free to let me know. Also the october tournament will be to raise toys for the chattanooga forgotton child fund that is ran by the fire and police dept. and then in november i will be doing the toys for tots tournament again. emoToast anyone with any ideas can email me at [email protected]
will you schedule some of the tourn. to put in - mid -lake....grasshopper area?
If you are going to require that all crappie be released, I think you should only weigh in ten fish maximum.

Just like bass fishing, warm weather survival rates go down dramatically. I just don't see any point in hauling around more than ten and beating them up all day if they're to be released.

I'd much rather see them in a frying pan than I would floating at the launch ramp next day (as often happens in summertime bass events).

On the other hand... seems like there is ALWAYS someone on CFF who is trying to "catch enough fish for a church fish fry."

Perhaps coordinate with those folks to take the crappie caught in tournaments?
i wouldnt mind seeing the tourn. on either the 7th or the 14th because i will most likely be fishing the catch and the cba on the 21st and 28th but thats just my .02 cents. i really enjoyed the last crappie tourn. and would love to fish in it again!!
I'm in agreement with Dixie Boy with 7 being maximum number of fish weighed in. Crappie are plentiful at the moment in Chickamauga, but we shouldn't waste the resource either. Releasing fish during the hot water periods in the summer time will still have a toll on the fish, but we should minimize this. We will still have fun fishing in these txs and that is what I'm after. If it was a money thing, I wouldn't fish. Been there, done that, and don't care for it at all.

emoBigsmile emoGeezer
ok we will go with 7 fish limit per boat with every tx . and i will see about doing febuarys on the 7th or 14th. but i know the 14th will not be a good day for those of us with wives. we would never hear the end of it if we fished a tx on valentines day so we will shoot for the 7th with a 7 fish limit