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Took the "Simms Girls" and their respective boyfriends out on the water today. Tried trolling for crappie a little while... not much happening there yet. Headed for my bluegill hole for catfish bait. Took a while to figure them out but Priscilla turned into a Bluegill Catching Machine... she wore us all out. Started catfishing... Chad has fished with me a time or two, so I told him to teach Creed how it's done. Creed dropped his first bluegill and Chad was giving him instructions on how to "keep a tight line and 'thump' the bottom." His line hadn't been in the water a minute when the Shakespeare doubled over with Creed holding on for dear life. It was one mean fish, but the battle was won. 25 lbs. and FYI, Creed said this was probably the second fish he's caught in his entire life. emoBeer I figured nailing a good one right off the bat was either a real good thing, or real bad. Came closer to bad... we catfished about three hours and we (Chad) only caught one other fish... about a 10 lber. Chad had another real good fish on but it came unbuttoned. But everybody got a big kick out of getting at least one good "picture fish." After they left I went back in Wolftever messing with the crappie. I think every single piece of wood I threw at (32nd oz. jig) had at least 2 or 3 crappie on it... sometimes more. Sadly most were small, what I call "treetop fish" ... I caught 20 or 25 in about an hour and had six keepers (that didn't get kept).