cuonthelake, Chickamauga, Crappies/TARP#3, 9/14/11, TWK (Mr.Nice)

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Oct 16, 2009
The second 1/2 of the day fishing and major time lived up to its predication. DK, you where right, again, about that chart, If I didn't just enjoy so much being out and on the lake I would only fish those peaks times since that is when I have done my best! emoSmile
BRAT, stayed home, but Mr.Nice, showed up about 1245 and we headed the opposite direction DK and I fished that am. Even went to a few docks I haven't been before. When you fish with the BRAT its the same ole spots trip after trip, Mr. Nice takes you to shallow docks at 3-5 feet of water pulls crappies out, like a rich man handing out 100 dollar bills! emoDance emoDance
We found lots of crappies shallow (really we did MadDog) all of them snatched up BG sunrise on 1/32 jigs. Quick count for most, even docks at 10 fow.
It was a long day for me, and at the end of the feeding time I was just slap a$$ worn out, and I called it quits......until The Kid stopped at one last dock, as I was cooling off, he brought 2 nice slabs in the boat and I thought I bet my TARP is there! I launched my jig as far as I could shoot into the darkest spot I could see and WHAMMMMM, about the same time The Kid got a hit too. He saw my rod bend down, and this is where Mr.Nice took over, he swung around faster than lightin' can touch the ground, grabbed the net, put his rod down (with a fish on the line) and netted my 3RD TARP of the year! AND>>>>he also let me bring his fish in, while he got my TARP off the hook, all the while he was shaking and dancing a JIG! Only thing better than that is when I get him on the fake bite trick! emoBigsmile
I made one last cast before we left that TARP dock and got a black nose, and since Mr.Nice helped me with the TARP, I let him photo shop my picture! Its worth a blacknose to catch a TARP!
Thanks Kid for showing me some shallow docks that I would have never fished! Lesson learned!
Ended the day with the Kid at 35 all released, however The Kid fished on and added 15 more for a final total of 50. emoSun


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RE: cuonthelake, Chickamauga, Crappies/TARP#3, 9/15/11, TWK (Mr.Nice)

Sounds like a heck of a day. Congrats on another TARP! Thanks for a great report and awsome pictures. emoToast
You've got 2 of the best in Tenn. as mentors. Good deal!
Keep those great reports a commin'. emoLaugh
RE: cuonthelake, Chickamauga, Crappies/TARP#3, 9/15/11, TWK (Mr.Nice)

Woo Hoo!What a nice Tarpie that one is- you done Good Girl! I have alreadyrealized that I misspoke about the shallow water crappie catching and have learned my lesson on prognosticating as an armchair Monday morning quarterback.emoZipped As for the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide storyline on The KID, just goes to show you what a little patience and alot of female persuasion can do with a gentle touch of persistence-reminds me of that ole Adam and Eve story my dear mother told me all about when I was just a weaning MD Puppy. You truly have turned the pages of time to turn his green eyes into baby blue emoEvil =emoAngel =emoApplauseI almost feel obligated to startaddressing him as Mr. Howard(Isaid almost)after enjoying youand his post. Andthanks for the first really good picture of The Man with the plan, he is quite the strikingly handsome fellow behind those FosterGrants, you must have had to barter with him on that photoshoping deal with the blacknose crappie.emoThanks I see you two and others are setting the barn on fire with the BG slabslayer, funny story- I cleaned up my worktable a couple of weeks ago because my wife was fussing at my obsession of glueing and painting trifecta colors on the BG baby shadsemoBadLanguage justa few days later I got a package in the mail and now the whole tabletop is covered again this time with BGslabslayers, instead of getting mad at me she threw in the towel and called me a Kid in the candy store,I told her that was a compliment.....Is'nt Love Grand!!emoHeart
I recognize that black stripe. That's the kids handy work. I feel like I have a black eye after fishing with him all day.
I can stop anytime I want to. I don't have to fish today. Two trips in one day, you are catching the fever, lol. Great fun though and congrats on the TARPY. I can't believe all nice things you are saying about the KID. Maybe you are a good influence on him. Fun report and love the "blacknose pic".

Regards, Labman
You did good on that 3rd tarp, Candi. Congratulations on that nice fish. Too bad that the old DK couldn't put you on one this AM. But you did catch a smallmouth bass. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
Candice, after a tough morning with DK, I was impressed you wanted to get back
on the water with only a short break. I knew the projected peak time was in the afternoon.
I wasn't sure if I should go to my shallow docks, where the action has been insane, but
after she swore to an oath to keep quiet, I gave in. She saw we were sitting in 4 1/2 feet of water
and shooting to less than 4. I had to watch as her jig hit the water,witih a 2 count her line took such
a thump it made me jump. We beat on shallow crappie on a series of shallow docks, till I finally wore her
down. I told her, one more stop, 3 casts and we leave. I catch 2 good crappie on 3 casts. While I'm
unhooking my fish, She springs to life, jumps in front of me, shoots where I was catching fish, sticks
a fish and tells me to get the damn net. What a gangster! I was so proud she learned my best trick,
then used it on me. And a Tarp at that! A great day,anchored by her tarp and first blacknose. Then
I gave her a second blacknose on the post. Candi,please stop saying nice things about me, you will
ruin my reputation.Getting to 50 tarps is in danger with her in the boat. DK, I hear you are the next
target on the fake bite trick. Beware!
Nice fish emoThumbsup. Pardon my stupidity but whats a TARP? Looks like a big dang Crappie emoScratch
SKIDROW37 - 9/16/2011 12:45 AM

Nice fish emoThumbsup. Pardon my stupidity but whats a TARP? Looks like a big dang Crappie emoScratch

TennesseeAnglerRecognitionProgram TARP. To qualify for a TARP award, a crappie must be 14" in length.

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