I noticed on the TVA app that Chickamauga is spilling because of all this rain and they were pulling 76,000+ units today for a few hours. At what point does current become a negative effect on ledge fish?
It can get hard to hold the boat in big time current. The fish might still be there if they have a good current break, but targeting them can be tough. Then, sometimes in heavy current the fish will move to the banks taking them off ledges. That’s when it can get fun....
interesting thread, being relatively new to the TVA chain would be curious to hear locals opinions on ideal flow, too much or too little. i do think there comes a point that without a serious current break the fish have to get out of the heavy current or they just expend too much energy to stay there.
i know there have been times when the flow made it difficult to keep the boat in place, gotta get an ultrex
It becomes negative when the flow gets too strong for the baitfish and they pull in towards the bank to get out of it. Alot of bass will follow the bait in but alot will also stay out so long as they have a ditch to drop down in or stumps or big rocks they can pull up behind. A good ditch "should" be absolutely loaded with bass right now. The trick is getting a bait in to the ditch and like FirstLight said, keeping the boat out there in position is also a struggle.
since 5:00 last night they have been kicking out 90,000+ I definitely think they will be in very specific spots to try and stay out of that much moving water