I haven't posted much lately but I've not had much to post about. Been to Dale Hollow 4 days lately fishing not catching much. The first time was 3 weeks ago on Sat. and Sunday. Sat I fished the float-n-fly and a jig mostly. I had 5 bites and one small trout. I think all bites were trout. All bites in the same area. Sunday I fished all day and never had a bite and went home depressd. When I got home I talked to some people I know who fish up there a lot and got some info and decided to go back 2 weekends ago. Fished all one day and got home about 9:00pm and only had 2 bites. Talked to several others fishing and everbody had about the same type day. Only fish I saw caught was on live bait. Now I was on a mission and that was to catch a smallmouth on a float-n-fly. So I checked out the weather for this past weekend and it was going to bee ideal weather(rainy,snow showers and windy 10 to 15 mph). So off I go on Thur. night and it did rain all night to the amout of 2 to 3 inches. Got up and ready to go and the rained had stop and the wind was blowing about 20mph. That was the calm part of the day. Went up river past 1st. island and started fishing. Started in this on area I was told about but the wind was to much and I could not fish the drops off some flat that I wanted to. The wind blew about 25 to 30 all day. I moved into some creek areas but the win and waves maye fishing a jig impossible and the float-n-lfy next to impossible but I did fish it alot with no bites. I only saw one other fisherman and he had not had a bite and that was around 1:00pm. He was headed back towards Horse Creek where we spent the night and headed home. I finally decide to try a swim bait so I dug out the biggest and heaviest one I had. It was a Storm 6" Wildeyed shad color I think is the shiner . First cast I had a strike and the third one I put a 3lb 7oz smallie in the boat finally. A little later I caught one that went 3lb 1oz. It only took me 4 days and we want get into the money part but still looking for one on the f-n-f. Will have to wait till March now. I will try to post some pictures or have Pointer post them for me.