damn snake

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Jul 11, 2007
section alabama
hey guys watch out for snakes they are still out i whent to check on some persimons to feed the deer and felt something hit my leg i looked down and a damn snake was striking the crap out of my leg some of you know me and know my health situation and know i have no feeling in my legs dont know what kind of snake it is i think it is a rat snake it was gtay with black shapes on its back it was about 12" long and was mean as hell but i can promise the last 2 seconds of its life was not very good i shot it 3 or 4 times with a 9mm dont know how many rounds i spent but it locked open and the little basterd was dead i hate the slithering abomenations i wish they all would die but BOLO for them they are still hangigng around i am 42 years old and this was the first time i have ever ben struck by a snake
So you trying to say you dont like snakes or what?lol Your description sure sounds like a black rat snake. They're pretty much harmless and I bet you stepped on him haha. I would be bighting something too!
You're in his yard, no need to kill it. Totally harmless. If you hate them that much, hunt from your back porch.
For most of us "old guys" the fear of snakes has been ingrained in us since we were babies. If it had been a copperhead or worse, a rattlesnake, we probably wouldn't be posting replies. Having been bit by a copperhead in my own "back yard" I can attest to my own initial reaction of, "Oh ****!!" My suggestion to any and all hunters is to invest in some really good snake boots. I've seen me do it. Also, FYI, if you are bitten by a venomous snake (reptile) and have to go to the hospital, the ER Docs will want to see the snake for positive ID of the species. *They are extremely reluctant to take someone's word for it*. In that situation, I ain't riding to the ER with a live rattler/copperhead in my car!
I love grey rat snakes. Usually when they get up to about 6ft, they are pretty chilled out. You still have to watch them but they are fun to play with and easy to handle. But fishinvol is right. Plus without him you would be covered in insects and rodents in a bad sort of way
The wife and I found this little feller on the walking track a few weeks ago and escorted him to the bushes...


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yep that looks like the one that deid yesterday if it had not upset me so bad i may not have killed it that fast i might have let it go but i have some live stock that he would have loved to eat so most of the time i kill them and when he struck me he sealed his fate
I shot one the other day in the front yard that was striking my poker/d-header. Had mom shook up and dogs were raisin cain. After killing one copperhead and un sure of what kind this one was I killed him. Didn't look poisonous meaning tail didn't seem blunt or a big head but curled up and struck like one so I done away with him. I know non poisonous snakes keep the poisonous ones away but o well.
I'm still shocked by the lack of knowledge of poisonous snakes and non poisonous snakes. There is only a couple types of poisonous snakes in this area . If you are going to be out in the woods or live in the woods, you are invading their space. Hell, if someone was stepping on me I'd bite the hell out of him too. They don't get to carry guns, good thing I guess.
I would have not shot it but it would have died from the do do in it's eyes after I turned and ran
Last I heard it is against the law to kill any snake in TN no matter what. All I know is let them prove I was the one that did it if it comes to that. I walk away but I sure don't like them.
Snakes are some of the most remarkable animals on Earth. I cannot understand the fear you guys have of them. If I have the time, I try to catch every one I come across. Even the poisonous ones.
Pointer 78 - 11/7/2013 1:51 PM

Snakes are some of the most remarkable animals on Earth. I cannot understand the fear you guys have of them. If I have the time, I try to catch every one I come across. Even the poisonous ones.

Fear is based on learned behavior and folklore. Back before the days of "modern medicine" if one was bitten by a venomous snake, one typically died. Not so much now, but it still happens occasionally. In our area, rattlers seem to be the most "dangerous", and can create a plethora of problems with a strike. No offense meant, but I question the wisdom of trying to catch a venomous reptile. i would guess it much more practical to admire from afar. But, hey, (since this is a fishing forum) "whatever floats your boat"! emoGrouphug emoLaugh
well i see it like this if it did not wish to die it should have layed down and kept its mouth shut i will cause some kind of injury to any thing that bites mebe it man beast famine wild yetty and i ant haveing nothing to do with a snake if it was ment for me to mess with them i would not be affraid of them
14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

This is why people hate snakes
If you dont look for them, you usually wont see them. I have a 5ft long king snake that has taken residence in my basement. Have not seen a mouse since.
churly - 11/8/2013 1:13 AM

If you dont look for them, you usually wont see them. I have a 5ft long king snake that has taken residence in my basement. Have not seen a mouse since.

Hence, the new old saying; "Outta mind, outta sight"! emoAngel