Dams near Kingston?

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I have been confused.. Sorry... I am staying near kingston, TN. what dam is near that? I found out that Watts bar dam is off 68. Is there a dam near Kingston?Man I'm tore up.. I dont know where I am going...Ft. Loudoun dam is off 321 and post say people are catching fish there... The main thing is I want to catch stripers.Where should I go to have a lot of fun?I'm lost........I have never been to TN in my life..... Someone HELP!!!!!!!!! Ft. Loudoun is closer to home.. Give me some advise.... Thanks, Stephen a man wanting to go camping....emoScratch
Sounds like your going to a nice spot - I think you are close to both Melton Hill and Fort Loudon Dam. I have heard that both are great for striper fishing. I saw Bill Dance catch some nice ones on TV below Melton Hill from the bank and ever since then have wanted to go (maybe someday ). Fort Loudon also has a great reputation I hear but I know very little about access from the bank or boat.


Does Milton Hill dump into Watts bar? Is it in Kingston? Can you get a big boat near the dam?

Can you get a big boat near the Ft. Loudoun Dam?
I have a 20' Angler.. Sorry about all the questions... Thanks, Stephen
I would like to talk to you on the phone if possible. You can call me or I can call you.. My #828-241-5260
I wish I could help more but I have never been to either and have no clue about about any navigational issues, but I would be willing to bet that most boats can handle it just fine. I think the clinch river feeds Melton Hill Dam. It is not in Kingston but appears to be close by per this map:

Highlight Copy and paste all of of this link below in your browser address window and hit enter for directions from Kingston:


If you still need more info feel free to call me at 423-413-9257 and I will see what I can do, but I have limited info on that area since it is over 100 miles from Chattanooga, but I can always lookup info on the net that might help.

Great info DHaun. I hope that you get into some really good fish. If you have a depthfinder I would expect that really shallow areas are well marked. I would also expect that most of the bait shops in the area would be able to let you know of any obstructions. Let us know what you try and how you do.

Are you just making a trip to fish there or are you moving to the area? I have hired a guide from that area and he is real knowlegable about the places. www.seeinstripes.com is the website and Shawn is his name. Drop him a line and he will hook you up on some primo spots and big fish! There is also a message board there where people can help you too.
I caught my biggest striper at Kingston 2 days before Christmas on a Threadfin shad......29lbs. 39" monster! Warm water is discharged there in the winter and baitfish love it....so do the Stripers!

How did you do? I drove right past a big old sign out on I-75 today that said "Loudon Dam". I don't remember seeing the sign there before. Let us know where/how to fish the areas that you tried.
Hey! I am new hear but wanted to try to help out. Watts Bar Lake runs to Fort Loundon Dam and Tellico Dam. The Clinch river also empties in to it. So Melton Hill I believe also empties into it. I never fish that far up. I did drive up to the Clinch to trout fish under Norris Dam.

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