Dead body found in lakesite behind harbor lights?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2006
Does anybody know if it was a fisherman or hunter.Heard he had camo on and he had been there a while.Hope they can locate family.
I live real close to the marina and me and my son were fishing off the bank right there before they found the body. Scary stuff, not sure what we would have done if we had come up on something like that.
Guys, please take a moment to think where the best place for threads are. This most certainly doesnt have anything to do with fishing discussion.
Thats why I dont get On here anymore.I meant REALLY!!! Who the heck cares.Dont worry it will be my last..I kinda fig it did have to do with fishing because if any body was fishing around bass bay they MITE want to know Their was a dead body pulled from the water.And more then likley its a crime scene. But just forget.Im done with yall emoHoppingmad
I thought Spur addressed it in a good way. We have to move them all the time. Sorry your pull up your panties and get on with it. ;)

I seen it in the Facebook feeds last night but haven't heard any details or names yet. Maybe an accident...??? Hopefully well hear more soon.
Sorry you feel that way, but goodbye. We move HUNDREDS of threads on the forum each week, its gets really old having to wade through irrelevant posts in each section. You seriously thought that discussing which color jig catches crappie right now goes along with a poor hunter or fisherman that died an unfortunate passing? Sorry if your upset, but that's just not thinking before you react. We have sub-forums for topics, off topic is for just that.
At least the body found wasn't "described" in detail, like the lady (Chattanooga Newsfreepress) desribed in her column....a few weeks ago, about the lady found beside the creek. Thats poor-poor reporting. It's one reason...I do not read the paper. The wife does....but not me. I certainly felt for this ladys family.
fishnboy - 12/3/2012 5:05 PM

Thats why I dont get On here anymore.I meant REALLY!!! Who the heck cares.Dont worry it will be my last..I kinda fig it did have to do with fishing because if any body was fishing around bass bay they MITE want to know Their was a dead body pulled from the water.And more then likley its a crime scene. But just forget.Im done with yall emoHoppingmad

Don't know why it bothers you so much. Just put stuff where it goes and no one will have to move it. Spur did you a favor putting it where it goes and for some reason you are hopping mad? Hope whatever is really bothering you gets straightened out. Surely no one can get that bent out of shape over a post being moved.
Its a shame all around. Someone dies, people getting mad. Remember when this was run by friends for each other. Now its owned by someone in Washington who was smart enough to capitilize on great ideas and marketing, and has people cleaning up posts while he goes to the bank.
No one got mad other than the guy that was corrected on the location of such topics. Friends still run this site but yes, it is owned by a person who wants to make money off it. I understand that....however, did you pay to log in today or have you been asked to pay a membership to CFF? Didnt think so.....

Cleaning up takes place on EVERY forum out there. Time to get past this.
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