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Feb 25, 2007
Rossville Georgia
Just wondering about decarbing a motor....i just baught a bass boat from my dad it has a 90 HP evinrude that has been rebuilt about 3 years ago.... never has been decarbed.... motor runs good.... only thing about it is when i first get to the water and start it up it dies out i have to crank it 6-7 times before it will idle... after that it starts every time...

Would decarbing likey take care of that....or should i even worry about it...

I need some instructions on decarbing as well...
Decarb will only prevent/removed carbon deposits from the pistons, exhaust, ect. May just be the way you are starting it. Some engines are real touchy. My V-6 merc was COLD natured. Just had to prime a little more then when it started every few seconds would just give the key a quick push in untill it wanted to idle. After that bump the started and it was going. Just my experience.....
My merc inline 6 is the same way. A little touchy to get it started, but then its good all day. You may need to adjust the idle screws.
If it idles fine after it is started, I wouln't mess with the idle screws. That engine may actually have some, some carbs are jets and have to replace the jets to change idle mix. That will actually effect hole shot.
yea its not anything i cant deal with... within 5 mins its started and running... i guess she is just touchy LOL

Wrechin?? Do you suggest decarbing every so often once a year... Never... or just when you have too

I know alot of people do this everyear???
Most factory service manuals (that I have) list it as a annual service. It is insurance againt issues. If you look at the XR2 rebuild pics that was from carbon. May have prevented it.
so my question is this.......... since it has never been done... since the rebuild on that motor... 3 years i guess i should do it.... right?

Also do you have any instructions on how you would go about it... i have heard the spray..... also mixing it in gas.... what is your recommendation
The sea foam alot of people use like injector cleaner in cars. Works good from what I hear. the way I like to do it is get the engine good and hot. Remove the spark plugs, and gernerously spray directly on the pistons and finger tighten the plugs. the next day tioghten the plugs, troll out of the no wake zone, start and take off. Make sure you carry some extra plugs with ya and something to change them with. Of course there are many methodes, this just one I found that works for me!!
I would think if you are running a carbon preventer product like seafoam in your gas all the time you should be ok. I have owned 4 outboards and not a single one of them I have ever decarbed, however I have always run a carbon cleaner/stabilizer in my gas. Once a year I will run a shock treatment tank of gas through the motor and all year run the reccomended regular use dose in it. This seems to keep everything clean and the motor running strong. Before I started running seafoam the inside of my prop was full of that carbon buildup. Just a few tanks of fuel with seafoam in it shined it right up. That can only lead me to believe its cleaning the internals. My yamaha Im running right now is an 07 and seafoam has been run in it since day one, and the inside of my prop is as clean as a whistle. I have heard alot of good things about Evinrudes XD100 oil that it actually cleans carbon buildup, and you do not need to do the 1 time a year decarb when you run this oil. If you can suffer the price its about 35 a gallon bulk, might be somthing to look into. I recently switched to Penn. Full syn. and saw a huge difference in performance, its an ashless formula thats suppose to help limit carbon build up. It without a doubt burns cleaner in my motor, my plugs look new with quite a bit of time on them and the smoke at start up is gone.
are you priming the fuel with the motor up or down?a friend of mine does his before putting it in the water with the motor up a little and has problems starting it but has no problems after running a few minutes.

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