deer call

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<font color="#0000ff"><font size="4"><font face="georgia,palatino">i think i have bought every call that has been made.the one i like best an have had the best results,is the H & S easy grunter. .it has bands on it you can adjust to get all different kind of calls.from does to bucks to young bucks an fawns..its black .best one that i have found... emoUSA
I've had the best luck just sitting quiet and motionless. I've spooked more deer with calls than I can count. The only time I break silence is maybe a mock bleat by mouth to slow or stop a deer passing by for a shot. As far as calls, I have given up on them. The deer I hunt are under heavy pressure and they are VERY smart.
What I think is the best is one you can change tone by pressing it in different places so it sounds like two different deer are chasing it works great for me sometimes I will carry two calls just for the different tones. The rut seens to be great around thanksgiving depends on the moon.
I have several calls but seldom use them. I do rattle horns and get good results just before rut and into rut. In the rut periodI keep quite. I have noticed that in this area the rut is at different times in different locations even twenty miles apart. Last year the rut was full head on during the first week of muzzle loader season, Early November. My hunting property is located near Fall Creek Falls Park. off Hwy 111. Another area I hunt, the rut seemed to be a little later, likearound thanksgiving to early December.
When in doubt-stay quiet. If you do like to use grunt calls my favorite is the HS true talker. I usually only grunt at a deer as a last resort as they are walking away. I never grunt or make any sounds when deer are headed my way. The rut varies greatly in this region. My property is on the plateau. 2 years ago I killed a 9 point on opening weekend rifle that was chasing hard, then the last day of the season my buddy shot a 10 that was with 3 other bucks dogging does. I've always said that if you dont have any does in heat around you wont see any rutting activity. Good Luck-I'm getting fired up!
What Churly said....I have never had any success with grunt calls. For that matter I think I scared off the deer instead of bringing them in. I have had some success with that deer bleat call. I forgot the name of it but most of you I am sure have seen it. It looks like a can, has holes in the top and bottom. You turn it over and it bleats. It will call in a curious buck and bring in a doe. It is not very loud so if there is any wind you can give it up. On very still calm mornings it will carry in the woods and seems to work. :) Jmax
I rarely use them myself. I did have a 6pointer "charge" to my stand rattling one of those cans that Jmax talks about. I mean he was there before I could get my gun up. Had to spook him a bit to get him to move out a bit. LOL