Deer hunting

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May 30, 2012
Deer season is just around the corner. I live in Georgia and I am thinking about buying an out of state liscense for tn. Are there any good places to hunt in south east tn that are open to the public?
churly - 6/12/2012 10:21 PM

Tons of places. WMAs, most lakes have areas open to public hunting, cherokee national forrest. Go to to start looking

X2. Haven't killed a private land deer in a LONG time in TN. Good WMA's but you'll need to scout which is hard for an out of stater. WMA's quota hunt apps start tomorrow. If you don't bow hunt you'll miss out on a large portion of SE TN public hunts though.
I live within a mile from tn just across ga line. I hunt wmas in Georgia for the most part and have good success. Last year I got 2 good 8 pointers and a couple of does for the freezer. You just have to put a lot of time in the woods on wma and out walk everyone else to get to the untrampled areas of woods where the deer arent spooked. I do bow hunt. Are there any bow only areas around Bradley county?
A friend has hunted south central Tennessee for years with good luck and nice deer. Counties are Franklin and Lincoln. The website given should have some info on the top deer counties and WMA's.
I have had good luck at AEDC in the muzzle loader hunts. The trick is that many of the WMA hunts are crowded in the good spots. I found a piece of AEDC that was not marked, but backed up to a farm I hunted. That spot lasted for two years, then it was overrun with folks.
As suggested earlier, you might want to apply for a quota hunt. This limits the number of hunters in a specific area. Good luck! If you hunt in TN, you are "required" to post pictures of the deer.

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