deer repellent

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Sometimes hair clippings will work. Any substance like red pepper will work but sometimes will damage the plants. If the animal is relatively used to humans it may take some type of harrassment to move it along like fireworks. If that does not work removing the offending animal is about your only option.
Deer do not like daffodils, ornamental grasses, herbs, bee balm, Russian sage, barberry, cleome, coneflower, yarrow, peony, oriental poppy, lungwort, lamb’s ear, foxglove, forget-me-not, yucca, speedwell, columbine, butterfly weed, lily of the valley, bleeding heart, word fern, globe thistle, joe-pye weed, baby’s breath, Lenten rose.

They do not like the feel of wire under their feet. Place chicken wire on the ground around all plants you want to protect.

They do not like things interfering with their legs. String heavy fishing line 8” – 10” off the ground around the areas you want to protect.

Put drops of coyote and fox urine in areas you want to protect. These are the smells of deer predators.

They avoid several smells including: moth balls, hair, decaying fish heads, blood meal, garlic, fabric softner, processed sewage and Irish Spring soap.

Mechanical and other deterrents: flood lights, noise makers, flags, radios, whistles, electric wires, sprinklers.

A drive way alarm system works well when placed correctly. These systems sense movement within 30 feet and sound an alarm that scares the deer. They sell for approximately $16.00 at Harbor Freight.
I guess I could come over and stand around. Every time I take a deer rifle into the woods, no deer are seen for days on end..................
My wife and I live in a rural area and have had as many as seven deer in our yard at once. We use a product called Liquid Fence. It looks like vomit and smells worse, but it works. It can be expensive and difficult to find. We bought our last few pints at Stockdales near Northgate Mall. You can probably find it at some feed stores. We have a dedicated sprayer for it because we must reapply it about once per month. We also gave up on plants that the deer prefer because we forget to spray once in a while and the deer will get those plants. We now have poisonous plants for the most part, and spray the rest.
Maybe I should set up a deer hunting "scarecrow" dressed in camo with a real hair wig. Instead of tobacco juice, he'll randomly spit out a stream of raw egg and garlic. I have never wanted to shoot a deer until I saw that doe pulling my flowers up. Now I'm watching 'White Tail Revolution'.
smileyhen - 10/22/2011 8:38 PM

Maybe I should set up a deer hunting "scarecrow" dressed in camo with a real hair wig. Instead of tobacco juice, he'll randomly spit out a stream of raw egg and garlic. I have never wanted to shoot a deer until I saw that doe pulling my flowers up. Now I'm watching 'White Tail Revolution'.

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