Need some help from you guys that get to fish a lot---- can't decide on humminbird 798 elite or lowrance 5hdl---- which would i get the best service from----- appreciate any and all imput
</p>Fishin4Fun - 1/1/2012 9:29 PM HB 798 all the way. Check online, you can probably find for a good price.
</p>bronzeback45 - 1/2/2012 3:22 PM
Lowrance hands down, there is so much that can be added later when your budget allows. Once you get the LSS1 which is the Structure Scan Module, you can add a total of three units through 1 LSS1 box. You might find some really good deals on current HDS model since they have released the Generation 2 models. I use 3 rivers marine for odering online or over the phone and theywill give you what ever xducer you want at no charge.I would get the basemap, and buy the insight hd chip. Some people dont realize that there is maps on the basemap, I know Nickajack and Watts Bar is but not Chickamauga. The InsightHD chip has 4x zoom in 3d than the HDS Insight and the difference in price is thesame. And you get a rebate from Lowrance on HDS models as mentioned before.</p></p>
m17glock - 1/2/2012 10:18 PM
i have found another place that has both HB and lowrance for the best prices i have found.they have 898's for $1225 including shipping