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My dad is looking for a new depth finder. He is looking at the side scans and bottom imaging. Any suggestions?
bronzeback45 - 5/4/2012 9:13 AM
Thats his opinion and I beg to differ on that. He going on whats read or heard about, and Ive heard the same from both Manufactures. I'd suggest going to academy and try them out yourself. Lowrance for me, but thats my personal prefrence, If you purchase a Lowrance then I would gladly meet with you and help you set it up and teach some basics. Oh yeah, look at the # of lowrance units on the pros boats verses the birdys, enough said. BB45
bronzeback45 - 5/4/2012 10:59 AM
:emoticon: :emoticon: :emoticon: My guess is customer service is only as good as the individual they're dealing with emoPoke. Im sure The birdys are paying KVD lots of money but he did start with Lowrance. Like I said its a personal prefrence. Lowrance invented sonar and HB invented side scan, But lowrance perfected it with downscan and uses 3 seperate crystals in lss xducer for left , right, and down scan, HB produces image of left and right to form a down image. emoBigsmile emoGeezer .