DHaun, Mexico Beach FL, Fatty Snapper, False Albacore, 5-6-2012

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2004
I know a few folks are reading these based on the PMs I have received. Since they may be headed this way soon I thought I would provide an update.

I was able to make it back out this weekend. The weather was great and seas were 1ft in the morning allowing me to reach some nearshore reefs in my bay boat 7-8 miles out before the wind picked up in the afternoon.

I found several reefs loaded with big snapper that I had to release since not in season. They will destroy a fluke jigged below the boat. I also located several schools of false albacore (bonita) feeding. They were a blast on my striper gear and fight harder ripping line faster than any fish that size I have caught.

Although I have looked in all the normal spots, I I have not located any kings yet...but the spanish are thick and the bait is coming in so I bet they must be close behind - maybe in the next 2 weeks.

I have also been scouting the beach for tarpon when the sun gets high and I have seen about a dozen cruising along so far...no really good shots at them and they spook very easy but it's really great to see 3 150lb fish cruise by the boat in emerald water - I hope I can hook a few again this year! Water temp 76.



SpurHunter - 5/6/2012 10:34 PM

Some folks have all the luck, glad your taking advantage of it!

And some folks "earn" their luck. emoBigsmile

I'm about five weeks out from "heading that way." <Bigger emoBigsmile >
And some folks "earn" their luck. emoBigsmile

Well said Richard, and nice fish DHaun! Heading to the Atlantic coast for red fish soon- emoThumbsup