didtances between fishermen and hunters

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Jun 5, 2007
Carlisle AR
Shouldnt distances between fishermen and hunters be the same as fishermen and fishermen? I had a guy in a nice bass boat this morning come barreling up to within 75 yards of my duck decoys just to stop and drop the trolling motor to start fishing!emoAngry I blew on my duck call REALLY loud to let him know i was there and he saw me, but decided to stay anyways. 5 minutes later i had a high flyer so i decided to shoot just thinking he would take a hint....WRONG! He sat for another 30 minutes flaring any ducks in sight, so i decided to call it a day at 10:30. I consider a safe distance when hunting about 150 yards, anything inside that is a big no no to me. Just goes to show you the lack of respect and personal safety of some people.emoCrazy emoTskTsk
I remember fishing around Hiwassee Island a couple of years ago. We were fishing the outside of a very thin peninsula. Unbeknownst to us, there were duck hunters on the inside of the peninsula. Maybe 40 yards away. A flock of ducks flew over and they started blasting away. It scared my partner so bad, he fell 2/3 out of the boat head first after stumbling backwards. I was able to grab him before he fell completely in. We were laughing about it a couple of minutes later as we were hauling butt outa there.
Shotgun vs fishing rod.....

I'd lose every time.

I tend to find another slough if I spot a hunter. I haven't hunted in years, but they deserve the same respect that I do if I'm there first.
I agree with db but sadly enough respect has gone by the wayside on Chickamauga for the most part anyway. I have noticed when i am on the G there are still people with a lot of respect for others.
I've got to go against this one. I've got a spot that has been great to me in the winter for about as long as I can rember. Very good on Sat. mornings too. Only trouble is every sat. morning during duck season I can't fish it! A fisherman will fish a hole for an hr. maby two & he's gone. A duck hunter is there every Sat. morning till 12:00 noon or so. After this one guy leaves trash every where to boot. Now I'm not saying that duck hunters don't have the right to hunt. You buy your guns amo & spend your $$$ just like everyone else does. It's just not all that safe to me. I know some guys that go out there to (Hunt) & do more drinking than hunting. Oh & whats the best thing after 3 beers & a few shots of Jack Daniles, lets shoot a shot gun around in the fog. Now thats a realy good idea! Not!
Well 2jigs, Your right about the trash, i've picked up quite a bit from other hunters this year, and im not sure i know any duckhunters down this way that drinks while duck hunting.....nope, not one. The difference is there is ALOT of water on chickamauga that has good fishing, but theres only a handfull of good places to hunt. The way i see it, i wouldnt tromp threw the deer woods at 4 o'clock in the morning just to set up 75 yards from a guy.
Hoggerhead, I have to agree with you on this one. The duck season is for a limited time only and the mornings are about it as far as it goes for a good time to hunt. I have fished all over the place and found that if I came up on a blind or where the hunters was that I would move on. </p>

 Hunting and fishing licence sales are what keeps things going as far as wildlife are concerned around here, whether on Chick or Loudon or Watts Bar or where ever. We all want to be there at just the right time but I believe we need to make room for each other also. </p>

This goes back to the old question of "How close is too close" that was on here for awhile. Being courteous and patient with each other is a jesture that has fallen by the wayside far too many times. Common courtesy goes a long way when used properly.</p>
I think its first come first serve...If I roll up to an area to Duck hunt and someone's fishing I wait or move along. If I pull up on an area to fish and see decoys same deal, move along. Everyone has the same right to be there.
I haven't duck hunted since they outlawed lead shot for waterfowl, but those guys have a limited season, and we can fish all year long. I'd have to give them the right-of-way and leave.
It is everyones lake to use.

I don't understand why anyone would eat ducks...I have seen them land in a cess pool then fly out to the lake.....to each his own I guessemoCrazy
what lake were you on ? i fished GUntersville Saturday and i did the same thing to some guys without knowing it. But i was 200-300 yrds at the closest. they were on the bank siting under a cut down treeand very well conceled. i never saw them until they started loading up. they had decoys out but with all the coots on the lake i never realized they were decoys. i was not really paying much attention i guess. I wanted to apologize but i was not sure if i even did anything wrong. what is too close for ducks to fly over? i have seen ducks fly 10 feet over my head while fishing. I think they know the difference in a rod and reel and a shotgun! just like the bass know exactly what tournament day is.
I was on chickamauga. 2 to 300 yards is pretty respectable. I have no problem with fishermen who accidentally come up on me, ive had several wave and go on once they realize im there, thats no problem. Its the ones who dont give a damn im there, and stop to fish anyways.
a couple of years back i did the same thing on guntersville that fisheadspin did but the concealed hunters then shot a couple of times my way nearly causing me to jump in the lake, i was ready to shoot back but after i realized what was going on i left the area and gave it to them, i would have gone elsewhere had i have seen them first! but it made me mad for them to just shoot over our head, when we didn't even see them!
It is simply a situation one must come to expect on a "multiple-use reservoir." Anglers, cruisers, skiers, jet skiers, duck hunters, deer hunters, hikers, birders, kayakers... there are inherent conflicts in every single activity. We've all just got to suck it up, respect the other guys and be darn glad that we have "public waterways" to enjoy. Lots of places aren't so lucky.
I've had the "angler/fisherman" conflict happen lots of times but one stands out. A fisherman pulled in an anchored right outside our decoys. My friend was close to wading out and cussing him a blue streak. But then the guy started catching one crappie right after another... he "smoked" 'em. Screwed up our duck hunt, but I didn't begrudge him one bit. And I learned a good crappie fishing spot. emoBigsmile
I used to duck hunt near skull island and have fished the same area during season,not sure what people are thinking but a shotgun beats a crankbait every time in my book,duck hunters are limited to a small area from bank or boat and I have miles of lake to fish,I agree some are not courteous enough and just blast away no matter what have been peppered with shot a few times and have always left a area if i see hunters in the area and just go somewhere else no fish is worth a rip to the er or repair holes in my boat,the season aint that long so be carefull.