Ditchdoc's final results from rebuild

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2008
Dunlap Tn
For those who have a interest in engines and like to learn....emoTeacher </p>


Just got back from the lake and got it dialed in. Just to post what changed after the rebuild..... Taylor's mercury 150 XR2 2.0L. What we found was #1 and #1 only had excessive carbon on the second ring and had 70% cylinder leakage. We tore it apart and found that. Went in and cleaned up the casting (flack) in the intake and the rod slot area. Shaved 7cc off the heads. InstalledBoyesen reeds. Pretty simple build. ALOT of mods He decided not todo because some of the mods wouldmake more power and would have to spend more money on the set up plus has a custom cover that wouldn't fit anymore with a jackplate. With what was done, he is happy with the results. emoDance He wanted to hug me but he was afraid he couldn't reach around me and would hurt my feelings!!emoBawl </p>


Before the build the hole shot by himself was about 8 seconds. Had to have a wail tail. Now the hole shot is 3 seconds with wail tail removed. With me ( I am a big guy, can count as 2! LOL) and Taylor hole shot was 5 seconds. still better than with himself before the rebuild.Top speed before by himselfwas 59.7 Gps @6000 and now is 65.4 Gps @6200, a increase of 5.7 MPH. Top speed with 2 people was 56-57 depending on size of person, with me (2 people LOL!) and him was 63.0 Gps @ 6200 a increase of over 6 mph. Boat still has more but is a handfull to drive. Everyone watching at the dock was commenting on how fast it was. Couldn't believe it was a Ranger!!!emoEek </p>



Thats just amazing awesome work.. emoWorthy emoWorthy </p>

Hopefully soon Ill get to see your magic 1st hand if all goes well
Wish he had given me the green light. There are ALOT to gotten out of those little 2.0L. Just what little we done showed a large improvement. Just imagine if we cut in finger ports (usuall worth severall hundered rpms), squared the piston windows, cut the rod slots, stuffed the crankcase, and raised the port timing to 1.575 or 1.550. They are my engine of choice. I have several of them. They are a very DURABLE high RPM engine. They are not big engines ,121 cubic inch, but they are work horses. </p>


If you know Taylor get him to give you a ride. I was impressed with how hard this thing pulls on the Ranger. To watch it take off and then watch how quick it accelerates and then to ride and feel the "PULL". Could only imagine how well it would do on a performance boat like a 19V bullet. Would be FUN!!!! Old man101 was there he will tell you so would a few people on the dock. On guy said the GPS was lying cause it looked alot faster.</p>
If you do much more work to his motor he will be passing me. lol I know he was excited about getting it back when I talked to him last week and it sounds like you got him running great now. emoWorthy emoWorthy
Still may be able to get a few mor out of it. I showed him a trick and it was worth .5 mph GPS but hole shot suffered Badly. Have a 24 small ear chopper that may make it easier to drive and even better hole shot. Still some things we can do to PASS YOU!LOL!! emoLaugh
emoThumbsup emoThumbsup Well as you can see the numbers are up and man that thing is a handful at those speeds,after some upcoming TX will be tricking it out with raising the motor and prop changes,James has done some unbelievable work on my engine and has gone that extra mile to make sure it is all right,even with the mods he did there is still more power and rpm to go but that boat is a beast to drive. emoEek If anybody needs a motor fixed or upgraded this is the man to go to ,he explains everything and even let me help against me telling him not to let me,I know more about the inside of my Merc now than ever emoWorthy ,James thanks for all you have done and now you can get busy on all the other ones your building,Thanks emoToast emoToast
i agree.this one looks like the kind of man you are.i am glad to get to know you.i am sure most of the people on here are straight up guys. ps a ranger running 65.4 with a 150.that is crazy.lol
Sounds like another happy customer to me :) I wish I had a clue to what all you talk about when u let us in on what all you have done to a motor. It is nice to see you get so excited over your work............thats a great thing. You sure enjoy your job
Now what can u do with a 83 model 50 hp Merc............. LOL
I enjoy boats. Just wish I had time to get mine done. Cant wait to see what 295Hp does on a 350-400# boat!!!!!

The mercury X-flows are pretty much set as far a HP they can make. The head and block are 1 piece so you can't raise the compression. To cut booster ports in is about the only thing to raise power and would cost more than what a 85Hp would cost ya. I know you were joking!!!!!
There is ALOT of potential in the OMC blocks because of their poor casting methods. They have alot of slag in thier blocks that interupt air flow. Any time you can straighten/increase air flow you increase velocity, increase velocity and you increase how much fuel you can "stuff" in the combustion chamber. Raising the compression is the best bang for you buck without taking the engine completely apart. Imaging this... Take a firecracker and lightly hold it, when it goes off it hurts but doesn't do much damage, now take the same firecracker and SQUEASE it, it goes off it takes you hand off. That is like comparing low compression to high compression on a 2 stroke. That is where this little 2.0L got it's holeshot and pulling power. Your 3.0L would like it too!! LOL!!!

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