docking piers

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2006
dallas bay/soddydaisy
Who would someone see about getting a docking pier installed at a public boat ramp, Soddy creek at Armstrong road has a great ramp but nowhere to put your boat while you park your vehicle?
Tyner Lane ramp and Skull Island too! I guess we should have put these on our Christmas wish list??
The Armstrong Rd. ramp did have a pier for a while but I think a storm tore it up. THen of course, no one replaced it. But that's what the steel pole was for out in the water there.
I am of the opinion that if enough of the people that have Boats and those that fish with them will E-Mail Posts
To the TWRA people in charge asking them to give some of our License and Tax money to this kind of Help,
Such as Docking Facility to launch our Boats :in stead of having to either wade water or mud to get on
or off the ramps . If there is any Interest, I can furnish Names and Email address of People to CONTACT.
Maybe they will listen at their next Session,I think it comes up soon,and now is a good time to ASK.
Raccon Mt. needs a rest room or at least a portopotty, who would you have to contact to get one of these? They have picnic tables, fantastic parking lot but no rest room.
I can't speak for the rest of them but Skull Island is privately owned and the people that own it said last year that they were not going to spend any money on it. Since they removed the $3 parking fee from all the public state owned ramps it is not likely that the state will be spending any money on them either.
That sounds like a great idea John. I would be happy to send emails to the TWRA folks to get more docking facilities at the public ramps. If you would post the addresses we can start sending. Great idea!
john faulkner - 12/29/2007 5:21 PM

To the TWRA people in charge asking them to give some of our License and Tax money to this kind of Help,
Such as Docking Facility to launch our Boats :in stead of having to either wade water or mud to get on
or off the ramps ....WHAT DO YOU THINK!

You do realize that TWRA gets no state tax dollars for its budget.

TWRA would rather spend it's license dollars on habitat improvements that directly benefit fishermen and hunters, rather than spend money on boaters (who a large percentage don't even have fishing/hunting licensees).
Raccoon Mtn has a bathroom just not at the ramp. It is located in the building at the top of the water discharge area. It has saved me from having to take my wife all the way home a couple of times.emoCool
bd angler - 1/22/2008 4:44 PM Raccoon Mtn has a bathroom just not at the ramp. It is located in the building at the top of the water discharge area. It has saved me from having to take my wife all the way home a couple of times.emoCool

Great info!
R14 - 1/22/2008 3:58 PM

john faulkner - 12/29/2007 5:21 PM

To the TWRA people in charge asking them to give some of our License and Tax money to this kind of Help,
Such as Docking Facility to launch our Boats :in stead of having to either wade water or mud to get on
or off the ramps ....WHAT DO YOU THINK!

You do realize that TWRA gets no state tax dollars for its budget.

TWRA would rather spend it's license dollars on habitat improvements that directly benefit fishermen and hunters, rather than spend money on boaters (who a large percentage don't even have fishing/hunting licensees).

With over 2000 members if we all donated 5 bucks each that would build some piers . I'm willing to donate my part whatever it may be,it would be cheaper than repairing the fiberglass boat after it banged against the rocks because there was no pier to tie up to.
Several years ago TVA lost the funding to maintain their recreational facilities including a lot of ramps along the system. There were alot of leases that went to the counties and cities and private operaters nearby for these facilities including campgrounds and ramps. In exchange for the lease, for which they controlled however they please, they were supposed to do the day to day maintanence. Tellico River Development Agency (TRDA) controls much of what is on Tellico Lake. From what I have observed here a lot of the damage is done by the private companies using the ramps to load building materials and rip rap on old junky barges. They pull them up to the ramps and tie them of to the floating dock and the use cranes to load 30 ft telephone poles for dock building and a bobcat to load huge rock for rip rap. If these companies had to provide their own loading facilities most of them wouldn`t be in business. They should have to pay there way. They tied up half the parking lot at one ramp for a couple of weeks to assemble the floating parts of a huge marina for Rarity Pointe.

I know there are some private facilities out there and I think the TWRA may own some too But the communities and operaters that have leases may be responsible for their maintanence rather than TWRA.

Might want to make sure who is responsible before you send the e-mails to the wrong place.
NO offense to Snuffy... but if he's right, it's no wonder many of us give up in exasperation when trying to share our positive thoughts to what we see as a minimal problem that could be solved quite easily. But with ALL the DIFFERENT cogs in the process, it may be one of those things that takes 10yrs to gain an inch. We just gotta scream louder!!!!!