Docks posted no swimming or fishing !>!>!>!!!!!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2006
I am so sick of some moron fishing or swimming around the dock next to the ramp emoBang , there could be 20 docks on the bank, but the one the use is the boat ramp dock, its POSTED NO SWIMMING ON OR AROUND DOCK, and others POSTED NO FISHING ON DOCKS, I went to pull the boat in this afternoon, and 10 teenagers and 7 adults swimming around or on the dock, had to get loud and angry to get them the heck out of the way!!!! I asked them if they could read !!! what sign .. they said .. uh its only right beside the walkway to the dock. emoEnforce This is getting ridiculous.. there is always some moron blocking the dock .. I swear, I'm just gonna run over one of them .. where is the cops or wildlife agent when you need one lol.. Sorry I just had to vent.

For you non boaters out there .. stay off the ramp, and dock unless you are boarding a boat, or launching a boat.. and if I get in your line because you have your line out you had better not complain to me lol
Man, every time you go out someone is in danger! You need a valium...No scratch that, you'd definitely hit someone then.LOL</p>

I cant stand it either. I've seen jet ski people just sitting there and blocking a ramp while they chit chat. Kills Me! RUDE! I've seen the same you have up in Soddy. People swimming right at the ramps-dock and not acting like they have to move. </p> was the fishing today?
NRG_BigFish - 6/17/2007 8:05 PM

I am so sick of some moron fishing or swimming around the dock next to the ramp emoBang , there could be 20 docks on the bank, but the one the use is the boat ramp dock, its POSTED NO SWIMMING ON OR AROUND DOCK, and others POSTED NO FISHING ON DOCKS, I went to pull the boat in this afternoon, and 10 teenagers and 7 adults swimming around or on the dock, had to get loud and angry to get them the heck out of the way!!!! I asked them if they could read !!! what sign .. they said .. uh its only right beside the walkway to the dock. emoEnforce This is getting ridiculous.. there is always some moron blocking the dock .. I swear, I'm just gonna run over one of them .. where is the cops or wildlife agent when you need one lol.. Sorry I just had to vent.

For you non boaters out there .. stay off the ramp, and dock unless you are boarding a boat, or launching a boat.. and if I get in your line because you have your line out you had better not complain to me lol

Go get em' bigfish! The other peeve is the bank fishing folks that decide to bring 6 lawn chairs, grill, 15 kids, an umbrella, 6 bait buckets, a stringer, cooler and pile them on the launch ramp, then give you evil looks because you want to put your boat in the water!
I hear yall, I guess its a problem all over. I fish alone lots of the time so I have to pull rope from truck, walk down dock, pull boat to other side of dock, and tie off, all while tripping over and occasionaly knocking in, lanterns, bait, tackle, beverages, small children, and smelly women( maybe it was the bait). emoHoppingmad
I usually get over it by the by the time I get the boat planed out. What really worries Me are the small children (Ive seen some still in diapers) running and playing on the ramp and dock while their "parents"(ha ha ha) are 50 or more feet away sunbathing or drinking and carrying on. I dont mean to offend anyone but if you have children then be a parent.emoEnforce And I can assure you these folks know that they are not supposed to be there. I have called the sheriff while sitting on the ramp waiting for them to move, one of them heard me, word spread and folks cleared out like illegals when someone shouts INS. Probably 20 cars loaded up and left the access area completely.emoLaugh
Take a deep breath, calm down, and be happy you can get out on the water...please don't ever run over or hurt anyone on the river. I have been scorched by the sun and waked by cruisers and jet skis all day today anchored in a tiny bit of shade next to the bank. I almost got seasick...I was casting to huge schools of boiling white bass that got ran right over within a few feet of me by both a water skier and an elderly couple trolling last night. I have just laughed out loud shaking my head and at other times invented new combinations of creative profanity...but today I felt bad to let my son see me get angry like that on our day together. In hindsight sitting here at home dreading work in the morning (with him back with his mom) I cherish every moment I had today on the water with my boy. Stay positive - and in case you are not's not worth getting upset enough to think about running over someone. Next time you see someone on the ramp fishing or swimming make them useful and put them to work. It happenned to me yesterday and I threw them a rope and asked them to tie my boat up for me on the cleat they were fishing next to. Next thing I knew they were showing me where to catch a bunch of small catfish.
DHaun - 6/17/2007 9:33 PM

Take a deep breath, calm down, and be happy you can get out on the water...please don't ever run over or hurt anyone on the river. I have been scorched by the sun and waked by cruisers and jet skis all day today anchored in a tiny bit of shade next to the bank. I almost got seasick...I was casting to huge schools of boiling white bass that got ran right over within a few feet of me by both a water skier and an elderly couple trolling last night. I have just laughed out loud shaking my head and at other times totally created new combinations of creative profanity...but today I felt bad to let my son see me get angry like that on our day together. In hindsight sitting here at home dreading work in the morning (with him back with his mom) I cherish every moment I had today on the water with my boy. Stay posititive - and in case you are not's not worth getting upset enough to think about running over someone.

Gosh David you are right! I still like to vent about it but you are right. I sometimes think of how mad I get (like you with your boy in the boat) and imagine how someone else might see me. It's embarrassing, and fruitless. No matter how mad any of us get it's still going to happen.
Amen DHaun! I too have cursed people....Imagine that huh? It is rare for me to get to riled up, but I had a guy come right to the dock on plane and swamp my boat. I let him have it with quite a few choice words....then I noticed a kid sitting in a boat with his dad tied up to the dock. They had been swamped too, and did not say a word. I felt so bad, I had to apologize to them, and explain. The father just nodded and said it was ok. I lost my cool, and made a complete fool of myself.
No doubt it is frustrating, especially on the smaller docks such as the riverpark, Chickamauga Dam, and/or wolftever....
I was just venting .. but I did scare the crap out of two women this afternoon that said she didnt care what the sign said she was swimming here and told me to go you know what myself .. so I started up the boat, they were right behind the engine and refused to move while holding onto the dock, I revved the engine of course in neutral, but you never seen two toothless hillbillies move so fast towards the shore lol. Its the Soddy Creek ramp that I had probs with today .. dang go to Chester Frost .. nice beach and no probs. Maybe If I bug City of Soddy they will put in a beach for the dock swimmers to use.

But River park is another thats bad.. but they at least have park police around to chase them off .. need to have a stiff fine for swimming around public docks like that 200 or more .. tell em once and if they come back fine no if and or butts. Someone is gonna chop someone to pieces with a prop cause you cant seem them till its to late, then your trying to scramble for reverse. Or for the oh Im poor , you just pickin on us ol poor folks with that steep of fine .. well Gee grass needs cut, the ramp needs swept, garbage picked up .. dont pay the city, state, or county to clean up weekend messes, let the dock fishers and swimmers do it.

If there are any Soddy Policemen on here .. please swing by the dock a few times on weekend to stop this prob on Soddy Creek Ramp, and if you are a police man in other areas and have a public ramp or dock on you beat do the same thank you
<font color="#ff0033">Big fish,,,,,I feel your pain.  and it is a problem from time to time but be nice.....then scream at um and pitch a fit....</font></p>

<font color="#ff0033">Dhaun, I am glad you got to spend the day with your son...lasting memories on days such as these...</font></p>

<font color="#ff0033">It looks as if a 6 X 6 sign should be erected for those having trouble seeing without their glasses, Nnnooooo, some folks just want to have it their way regardless.....   FA</font></p>
On a slightly separate note... (not trying to toot my own horn here)

I fished Sunday morning from about 6am to 9am and was fishing along a little nook in a cove not far from Harrison Bay when I noticed a spot obviously used recently by "shore camping boaters". There must have been nearly 300 beer cans and all sorts of trash strewn everywhere. I got out and looked around but didn't have any trash bags in my boat so I planned to come back next time on the water and clean up. I continued fishing on and came along a laundry basket floating upside down near the shore. How convenient. I went back and filled up the laundry basket, crushed nearly a dozen cardboard beer cases, and then grabbed the two (already bagged)bags of trash that were just left there. I had to leave alot of cans behind cause I just didn't have any more room but hopefully I can make it back to get them before they become fixtures in the lake somwhere.

I plan to keep a stash of trash bags in my boat from now on and I challenge all of you to do the same! People are always going to be inconsiderate of others and their surroundings but hopefully we as fishermen can do a little every time we go out to clean up the habitat. emoThumbsup
stump jumper - 6/18/2007 8:28 AM

On a slightly separate note... (not trying to toot my own horn here)

I fished Sunday morning from about 6am to 9am and was fishing along a little nook in a cove not far from Harrison Bay when I noticed a spot obviously used recently by "shore camping boaters". There must have been nearly 300 beer cans and all sorts of trash strewn everywhere. I got out and looked around but didn't have any trash bags in my boat so I planned to come back next time on the water and clean up. I continued fishing on and came along a laundry basket floating upside down near the shore. How convenient. I went back and filled up the laundry basket, crushed nearly a dozen cardboard beer cases, and then grabbed the two (already bagged)bags of trash that were just left there. I had to leave alot of cans behind cause I just didn't have any more room but hopefully I can make it back to get them before they become fixtures in the lake somwhere.

I plan to keep a stash of trash bags in my boat from now on and I challenge all of you to do the same! People are always going to be inconsiderate of others and their surroundings but hopefully we as fishermen can do a little every time we go out to clean up the habitat. emoThumbsup


I concur!

I fish out of Soddy a lot, and let me tell you, it's a madhouse during the summer and there are never any cops around. People park all over the place, ski directly from the end of the ramp, and just generally lose their @#!! minds as soon as they get on the water. There really needs to be a no wake zone from the ramp out past the narrows, that would help. Of course, this is Soddy, and we are anything but organizedemoLaugh

Dhaun, quite a while back I was fishing with my son Dan and I had a complete meltdown, I mean it was one for YouTube it was so bad. By the time I was done ranting and raving, I looked at Dan in the back of the boat and he was laughing so hard at my antics that he had to lie down on the deck. Of course, I broke up too. Since then any time I start getting red in the face he'll ask me "are you about to have another meltdown? I need a good laugh." Gotta love that boy...
" the last days, perilous times shall come." 2 Tim 3:1
The next 3 verses describe exactly what is happening today.