Documentary on Netflix online (The Business of Being Born)

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tyler ware

Well-known member
Aug 10, 2007
Watched a documentary last night while playing some online poker, and it was very disturbing. It was about the birthing process here in America and how the midwife has been taken out of the picture and replaced with a surgeon. Surgeons are good for when things so wrongs, but since they are delivering most babies here in America, they are starting to factor in time. Well since these Doctors do not have a lot of time, C-section is becoming a good choice for doctors. Some hospitals in America average almost 40% c-section. Very disturbing about how they induce labor using some mock hormone, which causes the body to contract more and faster, which causes more pain so then they give the epidural, then they need to give more pitosine(sp), which then causes the baby to not get the blood it needs because of these heavy contractions, so then they need to emergency c-section the baby out. After it is said and done, they say, wow glad we were here at the hospital so that we could do all this to save your baby, when if they had left things alone in the first place it would have come out fine. Our hospitals have become a manufactoring facility to get babies out of moms as fast as possible, and all videos make having a baby seem like the most horrific thing they could ever go through. Well try guys try to deliver something else out on command while lying on your back, where you do not have good pushing muscles in that position. Between our hospitals, and insurance companies in America in really makes me sick to my stomach. Then we wonder why ADD ADHD, autism and what ever else in on the rise, check out this documentary, these babies are receiving stuff they don't need and not getting the natural hormones they need. We have been having babies for a long time without hospitals, so why the need for every birth to take place in one now. If my wife were to ever become pregnate, this is how I would hope she had the baby, at home, in warm water with a midwife. You just will not understand unless you see all the facts, then you would never let go back to the hospital for labor. If you wife is pregnant or trying to become pregnant, for the sack of your child try to find this documentary and watch it. I'l; try to get the name of it. The name is "The Business of Being Born".
Polo you would definetly enjoy this one.
Well, if its for the "sack" of my future child, I'll really consider it. Thats a pretty important part!!
Just messin w/ ya partner. Really does sound interesting though Im sure the wife will want to check it out.
josh.schreiber - 1/23/2009 10:20 AM

Well, if its for the "sack" of my future child, I'll really consider it. Thats a pretty important part!!

Definetly a important part if its a boy. No but on the true side is that couples will spend more time shopping for a TV than they do their options of delivering a child. Most don't even know that there is another option, we just follow the next cow in line thinking they knew what they were doing. Really check it out, scary as crap how the business of delivering a baby at times becomes more of a focus on their interest than your interest. Most common times for C-section are 4pm and 10pm, why is that, maybe because thats when shift changes and people are ready to go home.
my wife was induced.... twice.

Im sure they didnt explain that the health of the mother 99% of the time dictates the path they choose. If you want to have yours in a bath tub God speed. Im a believer in medicines and drugs, in that case LOTS of drugs. My son was "sunny side up" and got stuck, in his case a "C" section wasnt an option by that time and out came this head vaccuum. Had we not been in the hospital who knows what would of happened but it wouldnt of been good for either of them. Both kids are fine and healthy. ADD on the other hand has yet to be determined but he sure can hit a golf ball.
yeah hooker, ,that can happen about 1 out of 100 or so times. They explain and talk to many women and doctors, they always say its for the health of the baby, ,so then the mother who was not planning on all these drugs and other methods starts to think she may be a bad mom to not do what the doctors say, cause you know "doctor knows best". Statistics also don't come from one or two kids, but thousands and thousands. ITs still interesting that the U.S. has one of the highest infant mortality rates for industrialized nations. You should still watch the movie, it will open your eyes as to how things change and no one ever questions it until it becomes a problem.
I have no problems with the documentary and getting the word out, just saying thats all. Ive watched a Michael Moore documentary too, for "intertainment" value. He uses statistics too, numbers do what you want them too. Im not discounting this movie, im just saying if my wife were to read your cow comments we would both be in trouble. There are hundreds of reasons that mothers need to be induced. High BP and swelling was our case and probably most common. The breech wsa just icing on the cake, not why she was induced.

Anyway, there are two sides to every coin.
My wife was over a week late all three times, and induced all three. Perfect delivery, and knock on wood, all three are healthy as can be. Not saying this movie doest have merit, but I count my blessings. emoAngel
I wont watch anything to do with child birth. I was made to watch that stuff when I was in junior high school, and I find birth of anything disgusting. Do not get me wrong I love kids and kids are an absolute wonder given to us by GOD. I have a 5 year old son who I love more than anything in the world. My ex-wife was induced and luckily for us he is healthy except for his crapy sinuses that he got from me.
I was under the impression that OBs were using too much manipulation of labor when I was delivering babies. Some of it is for the "convenience" of the parents too however. I think that there is a perfect timing for everything and that some things are best left alone. If the baby shows signs of stress during labor then surgical "help" might be the right thing to do but it's not the right thing to do just for "convenience". That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.