doe day in hamilton county

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go blue

Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
took my son hunting again this year durning doe week. he got to harvest another doe this makes number 2 for him this year he is only 8. the cool thing about this hunt was that it was not only me and him but his sister joined us. she is 4. we got to the ground blind at 745 am. had a hard time keeping her still but finally settled down. did not have to wait long about 900 two does came in. i got eden up out of the chair so she could see the deer she got excited and was waving at them thought for sure we were busted but they paid no attention to us. Dalton got his gun up and had this one dialed in. he told me that he had her in his scope and i told him to shoot. he did dropped her in her tracks hit in the neck. i hugged him and high five and then sister did the same. another good memory for good ole dad. emoSmile
starting my 6 yr old next year planning on buying him a 223 with a red dot scope to make sure shot placement is dead behind shoulder what caliber did u get 4 ur son THANKS
Enjoy it while you can. They will get to an age that dad and deer hunting takes second place to everything else. Mine is 20 and he seems to be starting to want to go again but this year after saying he did he backed out again. I think doing it young is a good idea, then they hit an age they do not want to go but will want to when the time is right and they get a little older. Mine has his music, girls and his friends right now seeming to be in the way. I figured once he finds the right girl and he slows down he will come back around to wanting to hunt. emoGeezer

You did good on taking him and the little one. Thanks for sharing. emoBigsmile Jmax
thanks for the reply i bought my son a 270 pump. it is all synthetic so it is light. i cut the back stock down to fit him and put an extra thick recoil pad on. i found some 115 grain bullets that are 50 percent the recoil. i think that whats make the difference the gun will hardly jump back with these bullets. as he gets bigger all i have to do is replace teh stock with a bigger one. i heard rossi make a 3 combo thats really good. it is a 243, 22, and a 20 gauge. i will probably buy this for my daughter. the 243 is suppose to be a smooth shooting gun. the only reason i bought the 270 is that i got it for 300 dollars and it came with a simmons scope.