Don't be stupid, this just kills me, recent break ins.

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2023
Yesterday I got with several of my police contacts and checked up on what was new. Seems that TVs being stolen has greatly decreased. However what was heavily being stolen was jewelry, guns and drugs. emoScratch Now that brought up a question in my mind. How would a burglar know you had them? It seems to me that these more recent break ins had to be people who knew in advance what they were going for. Only one break in stated the home had been ransacked. The rest of them, about eight, were where the burglar went straight to the items and stole them. I cannot help but think it is people talking about their stuff. Illness with drug perscriptions, new gun I just got, my jewelry I inherited....ex. Keep in mind, with today's "You Tube", "Face Book" and just multiple means of communications those types of items are sought after by the wrong folks. It pays to keep it to yourself or just a selected few. Looking at recent break ins the consistency of them knowing what they were going after was just too often. emoScratch

They find a target that they know has something they want. Then they watch them, track them, follow their routine, know when they work, and set them up to be a victim. The same holds true with these people who stalk children and woman. We allow our whole life to be seen on some of these sites. They know what you look like, where you live, where you work, who your friends are and more. Another "No brainer" is telling the world when you are going on vacation and where. Let's post that the whole family is going out of town, the house is empty and no one is there....ah....ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Don't mean to be preaching but I see this a lot in what I do. emoGeezer Would not hurt to sit down with your kids if they are doing this type of thing and see just how much they are letting go on information.

I'm done, sorry for the rant, makes me worry for good honest folks.....Jmax

Action Alarms
Cell; 423-298-4348
I agree with you Jmax. Another thing to think about is setting that empty computer box, or t.v. box or whatever out by the street saying you have a new ______ fill in the blank.

I have seen often on facebook people saying things like "off to work now" or "off to bed, goodnight". I don't want people knowing that stuff about me. Good post. emoThumbsup
There used to be a website called that would list idiots who posted they were away from home. It was to raise awareness of information sharing but it was shut down.

Also, heads up - If the insurance company finds out you posted any information that would lead to individuals thinking you were not home, ie: "Loving this family vacation in Florida!" They won't cover you. It's basically leaving your keys in your car.

Thanks for the advice. A great reminder Something you would think we all should know, but just do it anyway.
I know from one of my friends experience that they only told there family and work they were going on vacation and they were robbed.

It is very difficult not to let anyone know you are leaving your house unattended.

One thing my wife and I started doing after that incident was either paying someone to house sit or get a friend to stay there.
i like to tell we are all gone and then i sit in my shed with the dog and a 12gagepump have not had any visitors yet but maybe soon emoEnforce emoEvil emoEvil emoToast emoPolice emoTskTsk
procraft - 2/1/2011 12:33 PM

i like to tell we are all gone and then i sit in my shed with the dog and a 12gagepump  have not had any visitors yet but maybe soon emoEnforce emoEvil emoEvil emoToast emoPolice emoTskTsk

Ha Ha that is awsome. emoDance
Good suggestions and points. I think the idea of the shed is not bad either. ;)

Now days you need a good alarm system and a couple good neighbors to know what your code is so they can keep an eye on things while you and your family are away. A home sitter is a good idea if you know that person well enough and they are trustworthy. You can always change your codes when you return if it is something needed. If we leave for any time I do tell my three neighbors in my culdasack to keep an eye out on my home and make sure they have my number. Then if they leave we return the favor.

Kids are the worse about telling people that you and the family are leaving to go somewhere. They get it honestly, raised in the time of information. Many of them never think twice about it. Texting friends while they are somewhere else on vacation. "WE are having a great time in Disney World" ex....

Now days that is just not a good idea until you get back, "We had a great time at Disney World." Lock the home down. Don't overlook leaving an easy access. By this I mean stuff like leaving a car in the drive with a garage door opener in it. Put it in the home and then lock the auto garage door inside. Garage doors can be locked so they will not open. You would have to do it from the inside but then go out another door. Plan and think it through, try to think like a burglar. How would you break into your home....then try and make that a hard thing to do. emoPolice Jmax
Jmax - 2/1/2011 8:14 AM

.............How would a burglar know you had them? It seems to me that these more recent break ins had to be people who knew in advance what they were going for.......

I think you are right on target Jmax. A couple of nights ago I saw a thread on this forum entitled "What is your favorite autoloading shotgun". Certainly not implying that it wasn't an honest post, but as I read all the responses with folks touting the virtues of their favorite weapon I couldn't help but wonder if they weren't innocently advertizing for an unwelcome visitor.

procraft - 2/1/2011 11:33 AM

i like to tell we are all gone and then i sit in my shed with the dog and a 12gagepump  have not had any visitors yet but maybe soon emoEnforce emoEvil emoEvil emoToast emoPolice emoTskTsk

I'm going to need to go through the regulations. I forget where you attach the tag once you get 'em.... emoEnforce