Dont forget the Kentucky Derby Spot Fun TX THIS Saturday!

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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This is my first post so I thought I should make it one to remember.  I am extremely active in wanting to protect our resources for our Children and for everyone.  I used to fish competitively, now I mostly listen to my husband talk about how good he is.  In fact, my husband is going to be pretty peeved when he sees I posted this.</p>

Maybe after everyone bags a boat full of spotted bass (and anything with a tongue patch) you can thin out the population on the river.  You may want to be careful on who takes all the fish as if a ranger shows up this could be a violation of the creel limit if one or two people load 100 fish in their boat to take home and clean.  Then when the marginal (less-skilled) anglers can no longer catch anything they can cry and complain there are no fish biting and beg for help in finding fish.  Of course, you can always use some live bait and gut hook a few or watch where the better anglers fish and steal their holes or fish on top of them.  </p>

I personally will be glad when TWRA wakes up and changes the spot limit back to the way it should be on the river.  In the meantime keep catching away while you can.  Unfortunately, too few people mobilized too late to keep the limit change from last year from going through.</p>

Have a wonderful day.
 to the forum Taffi!</p>

Your opinion is always welcome on the forum. I am not sure how long you have been reading the posts on the CFF, but the Spotted bass reg change has been debated at length, and sometimes even heatedly, but you can never please everyone.

You mention <font color="#ff0000">"Then when the marginal <b />(less-skilled<b />) anglers can no longer catch anything they can cry and complain there are no fish biting and beg for help in finding fish." </font>If you have been following the research on this subject that led to the regulation change, you would understand it is to INCREASE the catch rate of small-mouth and large-mouth in our fishery. The spots are so out of control in the river, they are destroying the fry of those two popular fish, and also cross-breeding and diluting the pure strains of both. If it is left completely unchecked, in the long-run all we will have is a river slammed full of 1lb spots, and nothing else. I encourage you to do the research and understand why the regs were changed. </p>

Also, we (the folks participating) do not keep "spotted" smallies, or LM bass, FYI.</p>

You mention you hope TWRA "wakes up", but in my opinion, they "woke up" and realized what a huge problem it was, and are acting pro-actively to help the situation.</p>

Yes, we are all aware of the creel and possession limits, and since we have several TWRA officers that regularly view and post on the forum, we know more than most folks how to stay well with-in the laws. The last thing we want is for one of the respected members of CFF to be cited for a game violation. </p>

Tell your hubby not to be mad at you, you didnt really do anything wrong in my book, just stated your opinion. I hope you will be an active member, and please post some reports! TWRA utilizes our fishing reports in some of their analysis that they do.</p>
Welcome to the forums. We look forward to seeing a few reports from time to time.

Spurhunter has said it the best I believe. Theres not allot to add to his reply to you BUT, I want you to know that CFF and some valuable members have worked hand in hand with TWRA. The site is a great resource for not only helping other catch fish but to also help educate and conserve our fishery.
Thanks for joining!
SpurHunter - 4/29/2008 4:42 PM

Bassman are you bailing-out on us

Couldn't get anybody to commit on whether or not this was still on emoScratch

So Fishin' Junkie and I decided to fish the other tournament. Sorry!
BassmanIU - 4/29/2008 6:07 PM
SpurHunter - 4/29/2008 4:42 PM

Bassman are you bailing-out on us
Couldn't get anybody to commit on whether or not this was still on emoScratch So Fishin' Junkie and I decided to fish the other tournament. Sorry!

Guess I dont count as "anybody"....
. I answered in 2 minutes. </p>
Wiskers PMed me and said he was waiting for final word from MadBomber since they are the coordinators. We didn't see any posts about it in the tourny forum. So, we weren't sure if the main coordinator was still wanting to have it. No hard feelings man, I was actually looking forward to finally meeting you emoThumbsup
Well Spur, his children and I are going to fish the KY Derby Saturday. If there is a TX fine if not I will put my entry fee in my gas tank and still have a blast. emoBigsmile
Sounds like we have a ball game. We boated 60 today in 6 hours. Best 10 would have went about 15 lbs or so. Fun day.
cheez - 4/30/2008 6:18 PM Paul just said we have a 70% chance of thunderstorms Saturday morning.emoBang

Yep. I PM'ed MB and I am bailing out. Not worth it with that much storm activity. We can push it out a week if anyone is interested.</p>
cheez - 4/30/2008 5:18 PM

Paul just said we have a 70% chance of thunderstorms Saturday morning.emoBang

Your weather guys must be more reliable than our guys and girls. If the one I watched said there was a 70% chance that means there is 90% chance it will be beautiful outside all day..........emoLaugh