to the forum Taffi!</p>
Your opinion is always welcome on the forum. I am not sure how long you have been reading the posts on the CFF, but the Spotted bass reg change has been debated at length, and sometimes even heatedly, but you can never please everyone.
You mention
<font color="#ff0000">"Then when the marginal <b />(less-skilled<b />) anglers can no longer catch anything they can cry and complain there are no fish biting and beg for help in finding fish." </font>If you have been following the research on this subject that led to the regulation change, you would understand it is to INCREASE the catch rate of small-mouth and large-mouth in our fishery. The spots are so out of control in the river, they are destroying the fry of those two popular fish, and also cross-breeding and diluting the pure strains of both. If it is left completely unchecked, in the long-run all we will have is a river slammed full of 1lb spots, and nothing else. I encourage you to do the research and understand why the regs were changed. </p>
Also, we (the folks participating) do not keep "spotted" smallies, or LM bass, FYI.</p>
You mention you hope TWRA "wakes up", but in my opinion, they "woke up" and realized what a huge problem it was, and are acting pro-actively to help the situation.</p>
Yes, we are all aware of the creel and possession limits, and since we have several TWRA officers that regularly view and post on the forum, we know more than most folks how to stay well with-in the laws. The last thing we want is for one of the respected members of CFF to be cited for a game violation. </p>
Tell your hubby not to be mad at you, you didnt really do anything wrong in my book, just stated your opinion. I hope you will be an active member, and please post some reports! TWRA utilizes our fishing reports in some of their analysis that they do.</p>