Don't want to jinx us but how bout them there Hogs.

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2023
O.K., they said they were not good enough to be a contender. They said they would not hold up. They said a lot of stuff but here we are looking at 6 wins, 1 lose and ranked 8th in the nation. emoDance

Well, even I feel that is too high but stranger things have occurred. With only five more games to play and any of them they could loose we will just have to wait and see. Vandy, SC, TN, MS and LSU. emoDoh Could loose any of those but could win 4 out of 5. emoBigsmile I guess you can guess which one I feel they will loose no matter what. Even now when you watch the football sport shows Arkansas is under the radar and not hardly mentioned. I hope they keep doing that. emoTongue It has always been a tradition of the Hogs that when they start talking good about them they screw up. emoBooHoo Hopefully since they are not getting much attention and no one seems to think they will really rank all that high after the next four games going into the final game with LSU that they will not get the big head and keep trying to get some respect. This last game they won but it was ugly. It appeared they were already looking ahead and they are just not good enough to do that. emoBadLanguage Ol Miss could have won that game but fortunately the game did not have five more minutes.

I had to bring up the Hogs...... emoApplause ....Sueeeeeee......PIG!!!!!!!!! Go Razorbacks!!!!!!!!! emoParty Jmax
Could not agree more!Dont forget HOGS beat LSU last year.I think they have a very good chance it mite happen again this year just cause it is such a rivalry game.Dang JMAX didnt know you was a HOG.Guess that makes you ok.GO HOGS!!!Hope they put it on LSU.. :)

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