Dove hunt Saturday

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May 24, 2006
Is anyone going to the meigs county lease? Would like to get a group. Me and a few others will be there bringing a grill and smoker.
i have done the last of those...i went to the meigs hut 2 years ago and some idiot shot 2 different people shooting low birds. and it was so crowded...
SpurHunter - 8/29/2012 11:27 AM Where is the field?

<span style="z-index: -1; position: absolute; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(PixelRadius=1, MakeShadow=false, ShadowOpacity=0.6); width: 100%; display: block; color: black; top: 0px; left: 7px" class="dummyShadow">Meigs County Leased Field<a name="meigs1"></a></span></p><div class="Blurb">

Crops planted: 50+ acres of chopped corn silage with a cover crop of wheat (Sammy Norton Farm)

Hunt Dates: Sat., Sept. 1 (noon to sunset), Mon., Sept. 3, and Sat., Sept. 8.

Directions: From Decatur go North on Hwy. 58 approximately 4.0 miles. Turn right on Centerpoint Road and travel approximately 2.0 miles to Pisgah Academy Road. Turn right, the dove field is on the left side of Pisgah Academy Road. Address: 110 Pisgah Academy Road, Decatur, TN 37322 </p>

GPS Coordinates: 35 degrees 34.743’ N 84 degrees 43.426’ W</p></div>
you might want check the field before you go. I went to one (TWRA lease) a few years ago that was supposed to be a nice field topsewn with wheat. It had rained the night before and when we got there ,we found the field had been plowed that morning . The dirt was dry as a bone . They had run a disc down thru a pasture about 6 foot wide and throwed wheat on it. Ain`t gonna draw many birds in 4 hours.
I had a friend check the TWRA field across the river in Rhea county last nite.....wasn`t no wheat and wasn`t no birds.
SNUFFY - 8/30/2012 12:11 AM

you might want check the field before you go. I went to one (TWRA lease) a few years ago that was supposed to be a nice field topsewn with wheat. It had rained the night before and when we got there ,we found the field had been plowed that morning . The dirt was dry as a bone . They had run a disc down thru a pasture about 6 foot wide and throwed wheat on it. Ain`t gonna draw many birds in 4 hours.
I had a friend check the TWRA field across the river in Rhea county last nite.....wasn`t no wheat and wasn`t no birds.[

that a 10 4
We have a farm leased close to the public field, I hear there are very few birds, and its as baited as legally allowed, GW even checked it out already. Bummed..
well i got talked into going to the meigs field,,,,,if anyone knows the F*&^% moron that shot my brother, his son, my son and myself as we were screaming low bird,,,thanks.... and then try to justifiy it by saying the bird was this far off the ground and holding your hand 6 feet off the ground!!! nice job apologizing too you F*&%( idoit!!!

the guy shot as so many low bird everyone was yelling at him... stil ldid not stop him from shooting atthem on the ground..... seems like this happens at this field every year!
we had a great shoot in Philadelphia today....nearly everybody acted good and plenty of room for a lot of hunters.....lots of targets !!!
There was couple of guys decided to shoot at a redtail guy wounded it pretty good and his buddy finished it off. Within 5 minutes three game wardens were on `em. They had a hard time finding the hawk.... but you could they weren`t going to leave until they did. They found it and the guys that shot it left with them.
good,,,glad they got them...

fortunately the guy was at a far enough distance that the shot only left welps but could have easy put an eye out ....jsut lucky it did not...