I don’t know if you have figured this out , if not here goes, otherwise disregard.
The power leads with your serial port cable are for powering your GPS with external power using a cigarette lighter plug. You don’t need to connect this if you are using batteries.
To upload waypoints, icons, trails, etc using MapCreate 6, select GDM16 Mapselect when you open the program, not MapCreate.
Connect the GPS to a serial port on your PC and turn the GPS on. Hit exit on the GPS till the map screen is displayed.
On the GDM16 Mapselect display on your PC you will see in the upper left a selection “GPS”. Select this and then select “connect”. If a connection is made your product name will be displayed. If you have trouble the baud rate in the Com Port settings in the GPS may need to be lowered.
After the GPS is connected the upload and download icons will be highlighted. Select upload from GPS to PC. If you hit download, without any waypoints in the GPS file, it will wipe out your waypoints in the GPS.
After uploading you can select the waypoints tab on your PC and your waypoints will be displayed.
Now would be a good time to select GPS on the upper left and select disconnect. Always do this before unplugging your data cable.
Your waypoints will remain loaded on your PC . You can view, edit, name, rename, print, etc these at any time.
When you exit the MapCreate program select file and “save as” to name your file. You can reloaded MapeCreate GDM16 anytime without connecting your GPS and view your waypoint file. If you make changes to the file that you would like loaded onto your GPS you can download these to your GPS. Keep in mind any waypoints you may have saved since you uploaded the file will be lost. Always keep an up to date waypoint file loaded in your PC.
If you have any trouble with this contact me and I will be willing to help.