drop shot line

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Jun 30, 2012
Just really starting to use a dropshot. Problem is the flouro on a spinning reel. I see alto of guys using braid to a flouro leader. How long a leader to use? What knot do you use to join the lines so the knot will pass thrust the rod eyes
Check out Nanofil line, it is white, but way more manageable than regular braid and line diameter is reduced. It's made just for spinning equipment. But as you say you can use fluorocarbon leader. As for knot's you can use the double uni knot. Look on YouTube search leader to braid knots, tons of videos on there.
i use 15lb power pro super slick with about a 4 foot flouro leader usually 10lb as far as a knot i use a alberto knot its a little difficult until you get used to tieing it i also like the vmc spin shot hooks you will not get any line twist with them.
I have to curiosity question. Why not just use floracarbon line? I have been using floracarbon on my spinning reels for years and use it when I drop shot which is not to often. I mostly shakey heads. I have always had problem with braid and fc or mono tied together breaking. That's just me and was just curious. I might learn something.
If you run straight Fluro on your spinning rod, once you get the reel spooled up. Tie to a cleat on your boat and stretch about 40-50 yards of it. It was make a huge difference with loops and what not
I like the braid because no loops no wind knots and will cast a flat mile if I need it to also if I'm throwing a senko around docks and brush in don't have to worry about abrasions and breaks if the fish gets tangled up but everyone is not the same in what they like it's just what I prefer
10 pounder fluoro. Seagar in the blue and yellow box. It will not give you the problems most other fluoro does. Just make sure you don't over spool it
I, also, am a braid/fluoro leader guy. I've tried the double uni and the alberto but still found that they "ticked" the eyes when casting. They also take some time to tie, especially when you break off a leader and have to tie the whole mess up again.

Lately, I am using two simple loop knots nested together. I tie one loop onto the braid, then tie another loop onto the fluoro. I then slip the fluoro loop OVER the end of the braided line; then feed the tag end of the fluoro down the braid's loop, and pull them together. No more "ticking". No more tying complicated knots with my arthritic hands while the is wind blowing.

When I have to replace the leader, I just cut it and pull it out of the existing braid loop. The braid loop may stay on for a month or more, with my just changing the leader loop and line. Strange, I know, but it has been working well for me. Kind of ugly, too. richg99
I use Seaguar InvisX fc but I use 8lb most of the time. I also let my line out behind me while I idle out a good ways. Then I reel it up while I'm still moving. One other thing that causes a loop problem is not closing the bail by hand instead of the handle.
I use braid, 10# for the backing, a ball bearing swivel, and a 5-6' floro leader, 8-10#. I also use a double uni knot to join the two. Haven't had any problems, and just got back from three weeks of smallmouth fishing. Worked just fine.