Dropshot, Chickamauga, Bass, 5/11/2019, Copyman

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Mar 21, 2006
East Ridge
As the rain cleared for a few hours Saturday afternoon we decided to give it another shot. Expecting hard rains to move in around 9pm we knew we would have a realistic 2-3 hour window to fish. Got to CFP to see the remaining CBA boats leaving. Put in still waters and headed up river to our first spot, where we immediately started marking fish. Took a few minutes but I caught the first one on a Neko rig, then Dusty finally got them to consistently bite on a shaky head. In aroundtwo hours, Dusty boated9 fish and myself 3, figuring out a small pattern. We continued to fish back in a slough looking for some beds that might have fish cruising when it happened....a large clap of thunder. That warning was enough for us to pack up everything and start moving back towards CFP. Once back, we fished the park for about 15 minutes until a steady rain started, at which time we decided it was time to head home. While it was a much better trip than the night before, wished we could have stayed out a little longer as we started to figure things out.
Thanks for the detailed report Patrick. Sounds like some good quick action.

Calder and I went Saturday morning until late afternoon and we had to fish through a couple really heavy down pours too. Bilge was pumping pretty much nonstop. We were kidding that in the last 6 months we have really gotten a lot of use out of our rain gear. Seems like every trip.
I was out Saturday as well from about 9 am until 1pm in the rain of course and the bite was really good. I am not sure if it was the rain or just the time of year but I caught 15 to 20 fish in 4 ft of water in grass. They were killing the brush green brush hog and a chigger crawl.

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