Dumb boat problem 4/2/07

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Mar 8, 2006
Talked my better half into going with me this pm to see if any fish were biting. We only got to fish a little over an hour before my boat motor started acting up again. Makes me want to pull the remaining 4 hairs that I have left out of my head. I'm gonna take it back to the shop in the morning and leave it until it finally fails for them and they figure out what the problem is and fix it.

The pitiful fishing report goes as follows: In the 1 hour that we fished we caught 5 crappie (2 keepers), 14 bluegill, 1 shellcracker, 1 warmouth bass, 1 yellowbass. All fish were released. Caught on assassins and stingers in shallow water. emoBang emoGeezer
Sorry to hear about your boat Dickey!!! I guess you'll be hoping rides like me, for a little while.:) Hopefully not too long though!
DK, Paul should have the ol'Bullet going by next Fri., he said & You'll get a call every time I go. It will take me about two tanks of gas to get her broke in. But after that your more than welcome, you too fishinvoll.
fishinvol - 4/2/2007 6:42 PM

Sorry to hear about your boat Dickey!!! I guess you'll be hoping rides like me, for a little while.:) Hopefully not too long though!

Thanks for the concern, Chris. The problem is an irritating one. The engine will run like new for a while. After the engine gets warm and then I fish for a few minutes and start it back up and try to move to another area, the thing just doesn't get enough gas. It bogs down. I let it cool for a couple of minutes and then it will get on plane and run about 400 yards and bog down again. Let it sit and cool for 2,3 minutes and it will run another 400 yards. Frustrating cause when I take it to the shop, it runs like a top all day. It has never failed for the mechanics.
Carl's motor had the EXACT same problems last year.

Problem frustrated the repair fellows as well. Turned out to be the impellor. It was working so so, and not pumping enough water to keep the engine cool.

Just a thought!!
sounds like you need to take a mechanic fishing. Its a win win stuation if the boat doesnt act up then you get to fish with no problems if it does act up at least the mechanic can see the problem.
Sounds like a sad problem to me. DK sorry your boat is still acting foolish! There's only one thing worse than not having a boat this time of year (which is the best fishing time too) and that's having a boat that won't run and spends its days in the shop!

I hope you get back out in it soon and it runs like a top. Wish I was a mechanic .. I'd volunteer to go fishing with you! :)

im a machanic and ive run into that before on johnson 150s it sounds like you carbs are to lean try richening them up about a half turn and see if your problem goes away the engine gets so hot that the fuel is evaporating in the crankcase before it gets to the piston now if you have a fuel injected motor you may have a bad lift pump but tell whoever is working on it to try this and see what happens i call it heat soaking
If DK has gas in his crankcase he is in real trouble. He has a four stroke.

Yes, I have injectors, not carbs. The engine does not miss, it just bogs down like it isn't getting enough fuel. Fuel pump may not be working properly. Usually the first time that it bogs down, I go back and pump up the bulb and it won't have any gas in it at all. We have changed the gas lines and bulbs twice. That isn't the problem. emoScratch I'm sure that the guys will find out what's going on and fix it. It never bogs down while they are running in the tank. I told them that they need to take it to the lake and run it. They will see the problem then.
Sorry to hear the boat problem is still there. I had a similar problem a few years ago and mine was the COIL. Hope the find it this time.
DK, that sounds just like a fuel pump, with the bulb leaking down and you have already changed it. Glad its in competent hands with the mechanic.

Welcome aboard spam2381, we sure need a mechanic around here.emoWelcome
flip1up - 4/3/2007 9:26 PM

DK, that sounds just like a fuel pump, with the bulb leaking down and you have already changed it. Glad its in competent hands with the mechanic.

Welcome aboard spam2381, we sure need a mechanic around here.emoWelcome

Yes, this is one site where spam is emoWelcome . The 2381 version that is. emoUpsmile emoGeezer
I would have someone pump the bulb while it was running. It that helped it would narrow it down to a fuel system problem.

Have you checked the fuel tank pick up tube?

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