Easter and EricM's birthday............

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
Harrison, TN
.........both fell on the same day this year. At my advanced age I expect not eggs and candy, but something truly useful. Maybe a package of Depends (size XXwide)(extra deep would be good too).

All well-wishers will be favorably looked upon - remember, I'm a moderator here and could be a good friend to have. Sucking-up might be smart too. Just sayin'.

P.S. Cracks about killing my first dinosaur will not be considered to be in good taste. You weren't there.
emoLaugh emoUpsmile Happy Birthday you old fart, I would say and many more...but at your age let me say as many more as you can stand. emoBigsmile Jmax
I thought you just had a birthday a couple of months ago. Dang, that must have been last year. Oh, well Happy birthday. What was your name again. emoParty