Eating fish advisory

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Doc- If you follow the links listed in that article, you find a lot more information on polluted waters in Tennessee. It's a sad comment on the Clean Air and Water Act that so much of our waters are so bad off that we can't eat the fish! This has long been a big gripe of mine. Fining polluters doesn't end pollution. Once the contaminates are in the water, they are there to stay. Industrial polluters should be shut down until their discharge is pure water. Our grandchildren are gonna be paying for our shortsightedness, not to mention spoiling something that was once pure.
Last week at Nickakack by the river park I saw a guy with about 40 plus cats. Now this is right where the warnings are for cats. I asked him what he was going to do with those fish, because I did not think people really ate the cats from the nick. He said he sells them to a resturant. I'm never going to eat catfish unless they are tiny and for sure farm raised. It should be illigel to sell cats from polluted waters.

Watch what you eat.
