Electric smokers?

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Jan 6, 2009
I've been a purist and have stuck with my old Brinkman upright charcoal smoker ( 3 in all ) for decades.
I've been curious about the electric ones that have been out for a while. And am getting tired of "babysitting" my old charcoal one.
Anyone out there have much experience with these?
Bi-Lo has a Char Broil one for $150-too cheap?
I don't know about the electric ones but my wike bought me one of those Remington Smoke Vaults a couple of years ago. It's propane. Light it up, put it on medium, put water in the water pan, wood chips in the cast iron pan, and go do your thing. Easy as that. I don't know what she gave for ir though. I couldn't use charcoal to save my life.
... but it's charcoal! That's most of the fun watching, baby sitti'in, check'in the temp and sipp'in on a cold one! And then you get that charcoal flavor!? I've got a gas grill that we use mostly for burgers, hot dogs, potatoes and corn! I just like play'in with the charcoal!
Ive had a mastbuilt elect for years. They are outstandings. I for years had the charcoal and spent hours getting the temp up to 200. Now I just place water in the pan place meat on rack and set timer and temp. About every hour or two add woods chips. Clean up is easy with the catch pan on the back. You just throw the racks in the dish washer and rinse the water pan off and your our ready for next time.I smoke crappie are great. Deer meat is good and tender. My ribs the meat just falls off the bones and pork bq is moist and great I use mine mine at least once a week and sometimes twice. I was sure until a guy at work staarted talking about his now our whole shop has one. Average life of one is 5 to 7 years then you just replace the heating element.
Go to Sam's, spend a little more money, and get yourself the Masterbuilt electric smoker. You will thank me later. Add an Amaze-N-Smoker with it and you'll have a set it and forget it 12 hour smoke. Put your pork butt in about 8:00 on a Friday night and go to bed. Wake up Saturday and put the thermometer in and wait on 205 degrees. Double wrap in foil, rest in a towel filled cooler for an hour or two, take it our and pull it, and your family and friends will love you. You can tell them it was an 18 hour smoke, and let them think you slaved away for them.

Ribs are better than any restaurant, turkeys for the holidays, beer butt chickens, and my personal favorite is a smoked prime rib.

Check out Smokingmeatforum.com and they have an entire section on the Masterbuilts. I have owned one for about 7 years and use it all the time.

Good luck!
elwestb - 10/29/2012 5:40 PM

... but it's charcoal! That's most of the fun watching, baby sitti'in, check'in the temp and sipp'in on a cold one!

Shoot Earl-All you gotta do is light a sparkler and we'll have a cold one! emoToast
I think electric is the way to go.I have a electric smoker that I have had for over 20 years. I have had to replace the heat element twice but with it being that old that should be expected. It looks like a Brinkman bullet smoker and is all stainless. I have done pork, turkeys, chickens, fish and beef in it. It uses just plain old wood chunks that I can buy in most stores or I make my own. I tried a charcol smoker but it was too much trouble. This you just fill the water pan and load it up and plug it in and a few hours later pig out! emoToast emoHungry
Thanks guys-took your advice and got a Masterbuilt electric for $130 from Sportsman's Whse. First thing on was ribs-turned out great!
Can't wait to try my beefsticks on it, have a turkey breast brining right now.
It makes smoking so easy-I almost feel guilty! emoHungry
Electric smokers are nice if your a beginner but a true BBQ man uses the old fashion way good ole hickory you just can't beat it.
I saw a guy online build an electric smoker using a hot plate and two ceramic pots (unglazed). He had two sizes of pots. A large one that he used for the base and a smaller one that he put on top (up side down) for the lid. Put the hot plate in the bottom and ran the cord thru the hole. Put a pan on top of the hot plate for the water and chips. Used a charcoal grill rack. Looked good and was cheap.
schiggins51 - 2/2/2013 1:28 PM

Electric smokers are nice if your a beginner but a true BBQ man uses the old fashion way good ole hickory you just can't beat it.

I've been a "true BBQ Man" for years, built my own smokehouse behind my house in 2002. I agree-if you have the time to babysit the charcoal-you get the best result.
I don't know why this old post has been dug up, but, the electric Masterbuilt I got has been doing well for my lazy ass since last fall!

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