Emory River launch question

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2014
Crossville and Houston, TX (half of each year)
Not sure if this is too far afield for this group, but I thought I'd ask.

There is a "new" launch on the Emory River in Harriman off of Webster St. I went there today and found that, unless I wanted to immerse my van, there wasn't enough water to launch. I thought that, perhaps, at noon today (Sunday 15th) the river was just down.

But, I drove to my other launch in Harriman, on the Emory, and there was plenty of water.

Is it possible that the "new" launch is simply too shallow, or doesn't have enough angle to allow for normal use?

Another fisherman had launched just before me. He had a pickup truck. I have a small van. I am not willing to drown my vehicle to use that launch. I am hoping someone will tell me that the river is just especially low at this time of the year. Any input or help appreciated.

thanks, richg99
The water levels are going down. Believe it or not, it is not fun getting muddy launching a kayak. LOL
The ramp was full size; had a big dock next to it, and a paved spot for the handicapped. I have to believe that it was not intended for only yaks and canoes.

So, if the river is low now, at what point does it run high? I know they draw down the lakes during the winter months. I am normally in TN. from mid-April until Mid October. Should I expect higher levels during the Summer??... or, should I watch the generation schedules on an up-stream dam? thanks....still learning about this river fishing.

Its always pretty shallow back there, even when the lake is a full pool. You're technically putting in on the Little Emory on Webster Rd. and unfortunately there just aren't many places to launch on the Emory. Maybe you can try the TVA ramp off of Swan Pond Circle if the Emory is where you want to be.
Thanks for the Swan Pond suggestion. I will look into it.

regarding " if the Emory is where you want to be"...
I was just looking for a close-by, not-so-crowded, place to fish. I live near Crossville. I've been going to the Chick, but it is around 1 1/2 hours from my location, and the tournaments make it extremely crowded.

I have thought about fishing Watts Barr (about an hour from home) but know very little about it.

I read that the Emory holds muskies; striper/rockfish, and both SM and LM bass. If that is so, and it is relatively close to me...then I want to fish it more often.

As it turns out, I return to Texas this Thursday, and won't get a chance to fish in TN. until next April. I hate to leave, just when it seems that fishing here is supposed to get better, but I am planning for next Spring.

Any and all suggestions for close-to-me locations to try fishing (any species) next year will be much appreciated.

Ladd Landing in Kingston (Behind Food City) is an all year long ramp at the mouth of the Emory. It is a three bass boat wide concrete ramp with a long floating dock. Stay to the dock side at extreme drawdown. From the Ladd Landing ramp, you can fish the Emory River, the Clinch River, and Watts Bar Lake. The lake level is 740.85 so, it's full pool. The first week in November they will begin lowering the lake down to about 736.
There is no dam on the Emory so it is low when it doesn't rain much and high when it rains a lot, not necessarily predictable by season but winter is when it rains in General around here
Thank you again. I have a lot to learn about river heights; dams; generators; and more.

I fish saltwater flats a lot around Galveston TX. Tides are the key to success or failure. They are, somewhat, predictable. Conditions change a lot with wind direction and intensity, though.
Also usgs website has a few flow gauges on the Emory river, upstream of where it is effected by lake levels

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