EricM, Chickamauga, 1 blue cat and a trotline, 10-22-09

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Jan 24, 2007
Harrison, TN
I wandered downstream of my usual haunt to a couple of nice humps that I found on Navionics Hotmaps Explorer (a relatively inexpensive program showing lake contours for your personal computer). I drifted them a couple of times with one tiny bump to show for it. I gave up and went back to the regular spot and started fishing. The fishing was again, or still is, really very slow, and even the commercial trotliner caught very few. And sure enough, it turned out he had one stretched all the way across the river, shallows to shallows, and of course I got my 80 pound line tangled in it pretty good.

And since I tend to tell on myself:

Well, somebody's line was going to have to be cut, and I couldn't figure out why it had to be be mine. So it wasn't. At this point I have to say - I have no idea what legalities, or illegalities, were involved. I suspect that I might not have much of a defense except it was a tangle, not just a simple hook-up, and it wasn't done just out of meanness - although there always are some mean thoughts about anyone who would string lines or nets in such a popular sportfishing area. Any way, he came over and had a lot of choice words that he (and his wife??) felt that they had to express. Being old and unarmed, I carefully told them that if they were going to run trotlines all over the most popular bottom-fishing area in the lake, that it was going to occasionally happen. He said it was just ONE trotline, and I don't think I made any new friends when I explained that "not any more, it isn't - now it's two". I should be ashamed, and maybe am just a little.

I offered to sit there while he called the law, but he didn't. I suspect he and the law are not often the best of friends either. The whole thing kind of spoiled the rest of the day, so after a while I picked up and went home having caught only one six pound cat for all of the trouble given and recieved. Sometimes I forget how easy it really could be to avoid ruining a good time.......
EricM - 10/22/2009 9:31 PM
He said it was just ONE trotline, and I don't think I made any new friends when I explained that "not any more, it isn't - now it's two".

Freakin hilarious, good thing I wasnt with you that comment would have done me in .. I would have been rolling in the floor dying of laughter.. that trot line guy surely would have shot both of us ... and I would have had to make comments in between fits of laughter..

Eric dude your something else.. you really need to compile all your posts and publish them .. NY Times best seller for sure

emoLaugh emoLaugh emoLaugh
All those surgeries are doing their job, you certainly are getting plenty of oxygen to come up with quick ones like that. I would have loved to see his face when you corrected him on the trotline count.
My hat is off to you-thanks for the telling or retelling,you definitely handled the"situation" a lot better than I think I would have.
probably not the best thing to do in the situation.............but i couldnt have done better!! good one, i know commercial fishermen have as much right to it as us, but cmon, if you run your trot line in a high traffic area, you have to expect it. collateral damage i would say.
Way to go EricM!!! I know exactly who you are talking about. Good thing monstercat wasnt with you....he woulda opened fire on them with the airsoft submachine gun!! LOL I got a feeling he's gonna get us in alot of trouble this winter with that thing...I cant wait LOL You dunn good my freind!! Were ALL proud of you!!!! emoToast emoToast
Oh no!! My trotline is cut that I placed in an unreasonable location emoBawl

Things happen and when you place yourself in a bad position, the Karma train can come along and you lose a line. I fell sorry for you both, but my sympathies are with you Eric. Please don't let it bother you emoSorry
The trotline man must have not liked the stimualas package you supplied for him you just doubled his net worth from 1 line to 2 lines he may think he will be taxed twice as much. If so you helped the Gov. too way to go the Pres. may send you an award. LOL I THINK YOU DONE AWESOME
emoThumbsup You are now another of my heros. I keep a sharp knife in my boat at all times just so that I can deal with situations just like this. Fortunately, I don't run across many trotlines under docks. emoBigsmile I do report all commercial fishermen whether they are doing something right or wrong. emoBigsmile emoGeezer

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