EricM Heart Surgery

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
Harrison, TN
I thought I'd let everyone know, looks like I'll be off of the water for a while. Next Wednesday, October 29, I'm having heart surgery. I had it 13 years ago and the cardiologist says I got a good run out of it, but it's time for a rebuild. They don't think I'm a particular candidate for a heart attack, but I have become very limited in my breathing and stamina, fatiguing very easily. Turns out my heart is now only pumping about a third of normal every beat, so they are going to try to increase the blood flow to the muscle with some bypasses and some laser work on the muscle itself.

Looks like probably 5 days in the hospital (5 days without CFF!!!!!! That's going to be the hard part!) then home for recovery. No lifting my big pet catfish for a while - hope they don't miss me too much. Maybe some of you could step up and feed them while I'm off. emoBigsmile I should be back at 'em well before the weather even thinks about warming up.

All donations (cash or skipjack) (or both) can be sent to the house.

I kind of feel sorry for my surgeon, having to hold my cold, hard, black heart (description courtesy of ex-wives). Of course, he'll get a lot more money than they did..............

And NO, you may NOT have my fishing stuff!!!!!!!! Don't ask! (I KNOW you don't want the boat!! emoLaugh )

I appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers and will be here, and probably fishing, through Tuesday and then back on within a week or so.

Oh yeah, I'll also be needing to come up with the best part of $20,000 for my part of the bill, so if anyone wants to fish with a REALLY expensive guide..........

Thanks everyone! Eric
Eric, Jesse & I will be thinking of you & keeping you in our prayers. While you are recovering, even though it's quite a ways, we would consider coming down there & helping you out by reeling in anything over 5 pounds for you.

It's been way too long since we've talked, but I sure enjoy reading about your adventures.

Take good care of yourself, and be easy on the nurses!

-- Mike & Jesse/Manchester
You are on my prayer list....good luck and god bless you my friend. emoAngel Jmax
Good luck my friend.... will keep you on the prayer list... hope you get back to your pets soon! emoAngel
Good luck on the operation Eric, may the good lord take a likeing to you and watch over you. If you need anything, give me a shout.
glad to hear you are going be rebuilt good as new. Can't imagine you not being able to lift all those monster fish!
I think your boat needs some "alone" time anyways lol. I will pray for ya, and i hope you have a speedy recovery. If you need some company while your down, give me a shout.
Eric the best to you man. I know how you feel, I just now getting over a triple myself. Now you will know how all those skippies felt when you put the knife to them emoLaugh Good luck and Gods speed in the recovery. You are a tuff as old pine knot so we are looking forward to some more of your fishing reports and as for as the 20 grand, after my pass thru that place I have been thinking about raiding the neighbors piggy bank so I can go fishing.
emoAngel emoAngel Prayers will be sent my friend,If you need anything medical answered or need anything done around the house(minus washing dishes or toilets) call me and will be glad to help anyway I can, You are a diamond in the ruff and wish you a speedy recovery and will miss seeing you on the water. emoAngler
<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">Sir Eric, have you considered a 2nd opinion??? I was thinking me and the madbomber and Drumking could do this surgery on would be our first but who knows???? just kidding with you my friend....we will be praying for you and I know you will be back in great form before too long.....FAemoGrouphug emoGrouphug </font>

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