EricM in 2014 IGFA Records publication

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
Harrison, TN
A few months ago I told you I had been contacted by the International Game Fish Association for some information. Well, the 2014 IGFA World Record Gamefishes book came in the mail today and by golly, they used some of my info in one of their feature sections, "Whiskers of the World". It is about the ten most popular catfish species in the world.

What a rush! They selected three of my pictures (blue, flathead, and channel cats), used a sketch of my break-away dropper weight rig, and inserted my short article (and picture of me!) on species tactics for blue and flathead catfish.

I am so honored by this! I think I'll get a couple extra copies, uhh, for my grandchildren. Whoo-eeee!!

Aw poop, now not only does my stomach strain my shirt buttons, but my chest does too. emoBigsmile emoBigsmile
emoThumbsup Who woulda thunk this 25 years ago.....Eric, you have accomplished some memorable catches & line records. You deserve the opportunity to be in the instructors seat for your turn. Congrats emoApplause emoApplause ............. emoGeezer emoUSA
very cool ericM, you are now more famous and people will come from far and wide for free advice and free fishing trips with the master, now if you can just find a way to stay in the boat. emoGeezer Fun stuff, now you have proof you are not just an "elder statesman" who likes to piddle on the river, a nice accomplishment over many years. good job!!

Regards, Norman
You have to join the IGFA to get it. I wish I could scan the article and put it on here, but it is copyrighted.
Well deserved, my friend. You are one of the best fishermen that I have had the privilege of knowing. Congratulations on the article. I hope to read it someday. emoBigsmile emoGeezer

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