EricM is still here.....

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
Harrison, TN
I know I have been missing in the fishing report section and elsewhere lately, and thought I'd catch you up since I'm sure you are sick (and tired) of reading Jmax"s lame attempts (pun intended) to pick up the slack.

Mom died last November, and I have been executor of my mom's estate, and as simple as it was, it has taken an amazing amount of time to administer - courts, government, attorneys, banks, and siblings. I finished it this week.

I have been having trouble with a shoulder, and the surgeon wanted to repair it. Looks like a rotator cuff repair. Crap. Off to the cardiac doctor to get approval for the surgery (required with my heart). Did a stress test and the results were not good. Crap. Significant changes since the last heart surgery, so the cardiologist ordered a heart catheterization to see what the trouble was and try to put stents in if necessary. More in a moment.........

Meanwhile, Mary and I had the house appraised and before we knew it had the house on the market. It has the master bedroom on the second floor and we (she) is getting old and the stairs will present an unnecessary challenge (for her, of course). Like idiots, especially at this age, we are considering building. I wanted something close to a launch ramp and Mary would like to get closer to Chattanooga. Of course, all the planning went into the toilet when we found out about the heart trouble. Crap. Hard to plan a future if, well,...........

Finally got the results from the cardiologist. Low arterial blood flow to the heart, blockages that unfortunately are not surgically repairable, no stents required - but worsening coronary artery disease which keeps restricting the blood flow to the heart muscle and results in my getting short of breath quickly with mild exercise and having to stop to recover. Crap. The good news is that it will not be causing my demise in the near future. Bad news it will continue to degenerate. Worse news is I have to lose weight - a lot of it. Doc thinks I should weigh about 75 pounds less. Double crap. Best news is that we can go ahead with our plans for the future which will involve a new house near (not on) the river and my continued harassment of the members of the Chattanooga Fishing Forum. Well, maybe not such good news for you..............did someone just say "crap"???
I fish center hill a lot and new here but welcome back and good luck on health love this website
Best wishes to you and hope you get better. Just recovering from rotator cuff surgery myself...the reason I have not posted in months. Shoulder feels better than it has in 20 years, so if you need a doc I think I can help out.....see you on the water with those big cats.......Jim
Crap! ;)

Someone needs to pick it up. You seem to be out of commission, Ben Hayes is too busy being a granddad and in a couple years I will be moving back to Ark. emoScratch Oh well, by then maybe some of the ones on here now who don't post much might start. I can still post but doubt to many will be interested in a post from bass fishing in Arkansas. emoRolleyes Jmax
Eric , your pets are getting mighty lonely and seem to be a little angry that you havnt been feeding them Ive been to check on them a handful of times this year and they don't even wanna play !! CRAP !! Anyway, we all miss you you old fart , now get busy and get back to pettin those pets!! They need it!! I don't want to hear no more of this talk of stents and somekinda artwork....#$% heart disease!! Hit me up and you can go with me and we might even drag ol Spur along and go fishing near a dam...that should clean out the arteries!! emoAngel emoAngel emoEnforce
Glad you are back. Sorry to hear about all the health issues. Looking forward to hearing house stories while it is being built! emoSmile
glad to hear from you. Hope the building process doesn't trouble the heart too much. We need to go again soon!
Sorry about your health problems. Lift chair will fix that second story bedroom problem. I will come by and take some of them crappie off your hands since fried crappie is now a serious no no. I lost 30 lbs to get my cholesterol down. U can do it. Good luck
Thanks for the up-date, Eric, you write the most entertaining posts on the CFF and we hope you'll be able to continue to do so for a very long time! Best wishes to you!