EricM's "Night Before Christmas...."

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
Harrison, TN
‘Twas the night before Christmas
and we’d just left the house
to go see the children
just me and my spouse.

I’d left the hospital
just one day before
full of diuretics
to make me pee more.

The car had been serviced
the tires had air
‘twould be many hours
before we were there.

The presents were stored
in the back with great care
some for each grandchild
and some just to share.

With the radio on
and the wheel in my grip
we’d just settled down
for that awfully long trip.

It wasn’t just too long
when I said “Oh me,
my med’s really working
And I have to PEE”

Can’t pass Exxon or Gulf
Or a wayside or Shell
Or McDonald’s or Hardee’s
Nor a nice Taco Bell.

Now that was the story
For most of the trip
I wanted to drink, but
she said “Not one sip”

Twelve hours went by
‘ere we ended the chase
my undies were damp
when we got to their place

A madhouse it was
on that next Christmas Day
relations all came there
to drink and to play

Mommy and daddy
And two grand-babies
Nana and pop-pop
And four dogs with fleas

Grandma was there
and Jay and Brandy
(I wasn’t missing -
I just had to pee)

And Dolly and her son
Had also come too
That teeny little house
Was becoming a zoo

I finally escaped and
Lay down on the bed
While visions of catfish
Danced in my head

I took all my pills
And I floated away
I really don’t know
What else happened that day.

The trip home was quiet
For which I had need
To calm down I drove
And I stopped, and I peed

And Mary exclaimed
As home came into sight
“Again you have earned
a whole years’ fishing right.” emoAngler

The End (for now).

<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">Don't let Eric fool ya.......his BW wrote that for him.......he can't write and chew gum at the same time....emoPoke FA</font>
I see that Eric has talent that exceeds his ability to locate and catch big catfish. Pultizer maybe??? This has to be a Christmas classic and if I have Eric's permission, I will send this to my family. emoBigsmile emoGeezer