all this talk about the bent pole pattern and fishing etiquette and all reminded me of what happened to me last week. i was fishing a ledge with a dd22 with a friend that never gets to fish. i handed him a rod and he cast it out and catches a fish. the drag was a little loose on the reel so the fish starts pulling drag. wasnt a huge fish, maybe 3 or 3.5 lbs. so i am trying to get my lure in so i can help him and the fish is still way out there. he is trying to reel, but the drag is too loose to gain any line. the fish continues pulling drag despite him reeling. he is so excited about the fish. well naturally the fish runs to the top of the water and comes up and jumps. then a ski boat pulling a skier cuts between my boat and my buddies jumping fish. of course it cuts my line, i lose my dd22, and my buddy lost his fish. emoEek